Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pumpkins and Cousins and Birthdays

Woops, I totally forgot to get the pictures off my point and shoot before I did the October post! The girls had a blast painting their little pumpkins for Halloween. They always pick red, pink, and white as their paint colors, so of course the pumpkins ended up being purple, like everything else we paint.  

Nora was too focused to look up for pictures.

I've been a super-lame-mom for the past year, thanks to Finn, so I figured Halloween was a good time to get my act together again. We made some monster cookies, which the girls loved. Mostly because I did most of the work while they shoveled powdered sugar into their mouths.

They were so excited for Jack O'lantern quesadillas and mummy hotdogs. Until it was time to eat them, when they both promptly peeled off all the breading to just get to their hotdogs, little rascals.

Erin and Rob were in D.C. for a night (because Rob is super awesome at his job and was getting an award. High five to Rob!), so we were very excited that they got to come spend the night at our house. Especially since we had not even gotten to meet little Deirdre yet! Baby girl just turned one last week and this was our first time getting to see her in person. Shameful.

She is so cute! The girls just loved her so much. It was fun to see them interacting, and made me so sad that we are way out here in Maryland.

Seriously, look at that cute face!

And this cute face.

And Marc had a birthday. 

Happy Birthday to Marc! We are sure glad he was born thirty-one years ago! Teresa thought that sounded very old. Don't worry, I told her it was only a little bit old. 

This is the best picture, ever. T was just devastated that Marc blew out all the candles without her help. Oh, she was just so sad, it was hilarious, but I felt so bad laughing at her. We re-lit a few of the candles and let the girls help the second time.

And we think Finn is so cute. He got weighed when we took him in for his little cold the other week, and is already just over 13 pounds and 24 1/2 inches. 


David said...

What a fun post! Mom and I really enjoyed it and seeing everyone having a great time.
Poor T, the candles were out before she could take a deep breath. T, Nora, Deirdre and Finn are cute little rascals! Thanks for sharing this post,
Dad xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

fiona said...

I love the monster cookies!!! Okay, and all the cute kids. And cute you and Erin and Marc. No Rob... Alas... Wow, I can't believe you didn't see D until she was almost 1! Terrible. Of course, I won't see Finn until this next summer, so almost the same... *sniff, sniff* That is such an awesome pic -- sad T with Marc's bday cake! It looks like she was kinda trying hard to put on a "happy" face, but life was just so terrible... I'm jealous/happy that you and Erin got to hang out! I wanna hang out with sisters more!!! And a bro. Oh, and cute purple pumpkins. Ha! That will be the color of their young childhood... Also, sorry I'm lame and it's been so long since you posted and I'm only checking now!!! I need to do my blog more often, and put my linked blogs in the format you have, so it shows there when people update. Dumb Google, ditching Reader...

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh fun times!!! It was such a brief visit, but super fun and yummy!! Thanks for having us! Deirdre loved all the girl attention and the real life doll, aka Finn, who is so so so CUTE!! I love him! And Teresa and Nora and you and Marc :) I also super love the monster cookies! And Marc's birthday picture, poor T, hee hee.. Pumpkin quesadillas, Nice, and the mummy hotdogs, very creative, you get really rad Mom points for those and the purple pumpkins!