Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Weekend

Teresa has been asking to go to the museum for the past few months and we were finally able to make it happen this weekend. She was really excited the night before, she kept waking up and asking me if we were going to the museum in the morning. We went to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, and I didn't realize until we got there that she was actually wanting to go to an art museum - as we were walking in she said "I can't wait to see all the paintings!". She didn't mind, though, once we got inside. They were both so cute, just in awe of everything we saw. Nora had to say goodbye to every exhibit. T surprised us and absolutely loved the skeleton and mummy exhibit, she even sat and watched the little History Channel video on archaeologists digging up bones for about 10 minutes. She would have watched longer, too, but we had to get a move on before our parking limit was up.

No pictures, we didn't even bring the camera. I know, it's shocking. On the way home T piped up from the back seat "Guys, thank you so, so much for taking us to the museum!". And then Marc and I did a little fist bump in the front seat for having such a polite girl ;).

Today we surprised the girls by taking them to Disney on Ice. They love the princesses, of course, and when I saw that they had one with Merida coming to town I knew we had to take them.

We just told them we were taking them to a fun princess surprise:

And some shots with Daddy before we left:

We were pleasantly surprised by how good our seats were. The girls were so excited waiting for it to start. 

Here's Nora when she first saw Mickey and Minnie. She loved all the princess shows, but definitely perked up the most when Mickey and Minnie were out. She actually started shaking with excitement when Mickey first came out. 

The show was so fun, honestly it way exceeded my expectations. They had a couple of opening acts and then had little condensed versions of The Little Mermaid and Tangled. Then after intermission they did Brave and Beauty and the Beast.

We had thought Maximus was the most impressive, they had two people in that horse suit skating around, but then the Brave ice skaters totally started Irish dancing (or Scottish dancing, I guess) on the ice! Seriously, I would have broken at least two limbs if I had tried that. 

Nora was getting pretty tired and cranky for the second half, but they both had so much fun. When we were leaving T asked if we could do that again sometime. She was so funny before bedtime, too. We stopped at the commissary on the way home to grab a few things before the big storm headed our way, and when we were getting ready for bed she said "Thank you so much for taking us to the museum and the princess show and the commissary!", as if they were all equally fabulous and exciting.


fiona said...

Oh, guess it's working now... ANYWAY, I love the girls' faces at the Disney on Ice show! Such awe! That's one of the best part of having kids -- giving them experiences like that! The show sounds awesome. I would probably look like that, too... ;) I find it quite hilarious how T calls y'all "guys" so much! And the pics of Marc and the girlies are just adorable. Stay safe with your big storm a-comin'! Good thing you packed in a full weekend, and now you can just hunker down...

David said...

What great experiences! We really enjoyed all the pictures, all the subjects were wonderful, even the horse. Marc did a great job of capturing the girls excitment. They may not as excited about the storm. Stay safe,
Love Mom and Dad.