Saturday, July 2, 2011


We fed Nora her first 'solid' foods this week. Just some brown rice cereal. Marc did the honors, since he missed out on Teresa's first food experience. And, of course, T had to help as well.
What's that? You wish you could have seen it all go down?
Well. It's your lucky day, because we just happened to take some videos of it.
Here they are.
Very first bite:
And a little later on in her meal:
And some pictures, of course:
All the classic 'first food' faces that are so cute. She seemed to like it well enough. At least, she kept accepting more 'bites'. I'm not sure how much of it she actually swallowed, but it was good practice, right?
Teresa kept wanting to try it, but then when I offered her some she covered her face and said "I can't do it!"
In other Nora news, she can roll both ways now. She is super chatty and smiley, and still loves T so, so much. She always zeroes in on Teresa and has tons of smiles for her. She is wanting to be sitting up or standing a bunch now, and typically sleeps from 7:30-3:30 or 4, and then from 4 or 4:30-7:00ish. So, much better in the sleeping department than Teresa :)


David said...

Wow!! She does appear to like it, just needs to find out what to do with that stuff being put in her mouth. Typical faces and typical mess. Maybe T was afraid that she would only be feed the same stuff in the future. Great post! Nora is very talented, rolling both ways.
Love, Mom and Dad xoxoxo

Rob and Erin Smith said...

OH! Is it that time already? She's so cute! and Sessa feeding her is awesome too! I love it! Her sleep schedule sounds sweet and way to go on the rolling, baby Nora! Yay!!! Aoife was loving this post. We also rewatched the Nora talking video and Aoife was enthralled. Hahahah, T hiding her face...she's so cute. Seriously, Nora's faces are awesome. I love the bewildered look and the bottom corner one on the first collage, she is so cute, look at those cheeks! Her mouth looks full, wonder if any got in her tummy ;)

fiona said...

So, so cute! I just want to snuggle that cereal-smeared little Nora! She has awesome hair. Do you make it do that, or... it just does? Ha, I love that Aoife loved the videos so much, I was totally thinking as I was watching them that Maeve was going to have to watch them tomorrow b/c she loves baby videos, too! T laughing in the first one was great, and was she saying, "cake"? Probably suggesting that N would prefer cake over rice cereal. I would. ;) I love that T just "couldn't" eat the cereal! That little girlie is too funny. Too funny, I say!

AmyH said...

You won the Hautala Couture giveaway! Email me at naptimecrafters{at}gmail{dot}com

Sarah Wald said...

Your girls are so cute!