Monday, July 11, 2011

4th of July

You guys, seriously, I LOVE the 4th of July. We had so much fun this year. We bought tickets to a Nationals baseball game a month or so ago, and it was a blast. We almost decided not to go, but I'm so glad we ended up going. We only lasted for 5 innings before T was asking to go back to the car (innings 2-7, because it literally took us 2 innings to walk from the car to the stadium - T insisted on walking herself and she was going as slow as molasses). We were in the cheap seats, but our seats ended up being a set of three, so it was nice that we didn't have to shuffle past a bunch of drunk people with all our kids and kid accessories :). T really had fun although I'm not sure if she registered the fact that there were people playing baseball way down below. She just liked being outside, and all the music they were playing and stuff like that.

Getting ready to go. She was mad about having to get her hair combed:

We brought peanut butter sandwiches to eat in the car...T decided she didn't want the second half of hers. I'm just glad she waited until after she'd chewed it up to make that decision...

Self portraits...

Teresa taking her sweet time walking to the ball park:

Nora was doing okay, until Marc cheered for a good play. Poor little thing got so scared :(

Me and Teresa. And Nora's in there too...
Here's something awesome - we were sitting in front of two really friendly guys, and when they were talking to T one of them referenced the fact that I was nursing Nora, and I totally realized that the stadium seating pretty much made it possible for them to see straight down my nursing cover. Awesome. But, I'm pretty sure they were gay, so that somehow made it less awkward for me.

Anyway, Nora was a little happier later on in the game:

Sisterly love...

Teresa and Daddy.

Luckily T agreed to be carried back to the car, so we made much better time on the way back.

When we got back on base after the game we realized the big festival/celebration/thing the base was putting on was still going on, so we decided to walk over to that, even though it was well past nap time. They had a bunch of bounce houses that Teresa loved, of course, and we were surprised that she didn't want to bounce for very long.

Hmmm...T looks a little creepy in this picture. Oh well...

Tired girl

I had to post this pic of T's outfit. I made her skirt and belt, and it was a headache and a half! My wonderful Aunt Darlene gave me a sewing machine a few years ago, and unfortunately I don't get to use it as much as I would like to. Mostly because we live in a tiny little house and the only space I have to sew is our dining table. Anyway, it should have been a super easy, quick little project, but some two-year-old induced mishaps (and some 25-year-old ones too, I guess...) made it take way longer than it should have. But, we got it done, and it fits, and T loves it, so I guess that's all that matters...although, someone did ask me if she was supposed to be a pirate. Umm. No.

Anyway, once T was done bouncing we headed back home. Even though Teresa was super exhausted she had no interest in napping, so after we got home we headed over to our neighbors house for a little barbecue. Teresa's friend Mina was there, and they were too cute feeding each other berries.(I didn't have my camera, so I stole these off of facebook)

We didn't stay for the fireworks because T was soooo exhausted, but they woke her up, so we let her come down and watch them in the backyard. At first she kept saying "oh no", then when she was a little more awake she kept saying "oh, wow!".

It was probably my favorite 4th of July yet.


pauline said...

Hi! Those are great pics! I see T let you put a clip in her hair, and didn't yank it out! You did a good job sewing her skirt and belt... nice colour combo! I also note that you and Marc together made up the red/white/blue with your attire. You all look so cute. Hee hee ...poor N, being spied on from above having her lunch! T looks at ease perched on Dad's shoulders... good way to travel. Wow, you did a lot in that one day! Thanks for sharing it with us ... Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Ricky and Laurie Leiser said...

first of all, i don't think the girls look anything alike.. second, they sure are extremely CUTE!!

fiona said...

Okay, this whole post I kept thinking, "Tressa's skirt is so completely adorable!" and then to find out you MADE it?! Wow! GREAT job! I'm not entirely surprised, of course, because you're super crafty.

What a fun 4th of July. That's hilarious about the guys behind you looking down your nursing cover! See, just don't use a cover, and then that won't happen ;) And mean ol' Marc, scaring lil' N like that! Also, the self portraits made me laugh :D In a good, cute-n-cheesy way ;) And the berries! Cute girls. The pic of T by the berries looks so matchy-matchy... I like it! Um, gross about the rejected sandwich, but great pic of it! Nuala did that once, when she was riding on my shoulders. It was rejected into my hair. That, too, was gross.

Tara said...

Rejected into your hair! Lol, that's awesome. And gross :)

Whitney said...

you have the CUTEST daughters!!!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

I was totally loving her skirt too! Way to go, Tara! That's awesome! I Love the self portrait pics! Rob and I tried that and they didn't really turn all... The nursing oh, man. Okay, I love the collages of T and N. They are so so so Cute! and one of my favorites is the sisterly love pic! They're having so much sister fun! Awesome!!!