Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Things she says

Teresa's vocabulary skills have really taken off in the last few weeks. I don't want to forget any of these cute little things she's saying! So, for journal-ing purposes:

Her first full fledged sentence was "I yuv da slide". She's been doing a few two word sentences, and then a week or so ago we got her a little slide for our backyard. We ate dinner on the patio, and let T go to town playing on her new slide. The whole time she kept chanting "I yuv da slide" over and over again. We loved it. Video here, if you're interested.

Ever since then, she just 'yuvs' everything. "I yuv da car", "I yuv da Nora", etc, etc. We were listening to some Mother Goose songs in the car this week, and each time a new song started she would pipe up "Oh, I yuv dat shong".

We took her out to play with Scout at Gigi and Poppie's house this week, and she kept alternating between "I yuv da woof woof", and "I yuv da Stout!".

Gigi and Poppie have a deer head mounted in their living room, and every time T passed it she would look up and say "Oh, dear".

A few weeks ago we were driving somewhere and I could hear her in the back seat going "yeah...yeah...yeah...COWS!". I have no idea if she heard that somewhere, or if she made it up herself, but she says it pretty often, like she's quietly singing it to herself. Funny girl.

Any time I go to stop her from doing something rascally, she announces "I'm not done!". Well, okay then Tressa, I guess you can keep doing it...

She loves to jump and dance, and she keeps commanding us to "stand and jump!" with her.

I can't wait to hear what she comes up with next...


Rob and Erin Smith said...

Hahahahaha! She is so hilariously brilliant! "I'm not done," love it! She's such a loving little girl :) Would the cows thing maybe be from the sandra boynton cd? I know they have one about cows, remarkable ones... and the "Oh, dear," she is too cute! I yuv this post! Thanks :0) And it was good to hear about old Scout again! Wait, I didn't watch the video yet...I'll be back...

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Her Hair!!! She's so cute, and awesome talking! She sounds so clear. Colin said, "I want to see the Mommy." So you should put yourself up too ;) Aoife was waving a smiling at T and then we watched the Nora video and she said her version of hi, and baby (baba) We love you guys! That's such a cute little slide too!

fiona said...

Okay, she is too cute saying "I yuv da slide!" in that video! She's full of a lotta "yuv" for things, huh? "I yuv da Nora" cracks me up, too! And the "I'm not done" is hilarious! Funny, funny little rascal :D

Marc said...

I miss my girls :/

David said...

Tee hee hee ... I yuv this post too... there is something very special about the way little ones annunciate their first words/sentences ... thanks for sharing! Yuv, Mom (Dad too) xox