Friday, April 1, 2011

Gigi's visit

Marc's mom came to visit, and to help us take care of our two little rascals. Teresa had tons of fun with all the extra love and attention, and I loved getting some extra sleep in the mornings ;). Gigi brought a cute little green outfit for Nora, and T was thrilled that she also brought a matching outfit for one of T's dolls. I put Nora on the floor, and T lined her other babies up next to her.

Once Gigi rescued Nora after this photo, T picked up one of her dolls and brought me the other so we would all have babies to hold.

Teresa got to go on her first carousel ride while Gigi was here, too. She wasn't thrilled about it, but she was a good sport and did it anyway.

Nora has been smiling for several weeks now, but it's taken us awhile to get it on camera. Poor little second child...

Marc wanted a picture with his mommy too...

Gigi also introduced T to the joys of ice cream cones.

And Nora celebrated her six week birthday by rolling over from her tummy to her back! We thought she had quit complaining about tummy time because she fell asleep, but when I went to check on her she was happily on her back. She's only done it once, but that is possibly because she only gets to do tummy time if she happens to be awake during T's nap. It's too dangerous otherwise. Here she is right after the roll:

Tressa and Nora both had such a great time with Gigi, we're so glad she was able to come!


Rob and Erin Smith said...

What a wonderful visit with Gigi! You can tell the girls just Love having her! Love the Mickey sweater, it's so cute, I bet it's one of her favorites. Way to go rolling over on your 6 week birthday, Nora! That's so advanced and awesome!!! Nora's smiles are so adorable, I love them, especially that middle one with Gigi with her little hand up by her face...oh my goodness, what a beautiful family, how fun. The carousel pictures are great. And the babies all lined up-classic! Such a busy girl. Love you guys!

David said...

These are great pics ... I see Treasa is riding a horsie on Gigi's feet too! I know she had fun with her Gigi, and so did Nora! What lovely smiles Nora is dishing up! Oh the kitty pics are great... hmmm, I think they are on your facebook ... anyway, I see T stationed by the window enjoying the view! Also love the doll-nursing pics ... she looks so serious about her business :) LOL Thanks for sharing those with us! Love, Mom (Dad too)xox

fiona said...

Oh my gosh, all those babies lined up in just priceless! So cute! I'm so glad Gigi got to come spend time with those sweet (usually ;) grandbabies. Little T won't know what to do when it's JUST Mommy and Daddy at home! Nora is so big! She looks so much older, and is rolling?! What the hey?! Sooo funny, Tressa's reaction to the "fun" carousel. Poor kid, forced to have fun.