Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sessa and Nor

Okay, I know I just posted yesterday, but I had to put up these pictures of the girls. As I got Nora dressed in this cute green dress this morning for church, I remembered us taking about a billion photos of T wearing the same thing. So I looked them up and realized that Nora is the exact same age Tressa was when we did that little photo shoot. So we recreated it. Same dress, same blanket, different baby. Here are some pics of both girls...both three days shy of their two month birthdays. I think they look quite a bit different, what do you think?

Teresa on left, Nora right (or, as T would say, "Sessa on left, Nor on right")

T left, N right

T top, N bottom

T top, N bottom

T definitely had better head control at that age, poor Nora gets hardly any tummy time, thanks to the rambunctious toddler we have zooming around our house all the time. And Nora has more hair than T did, I think. Also, N's hair is getting lighter faster than T's did.

And here are a bunch more from today:


pauline said...

Oh, those are really cute comparison photos!!! Such beautiful little babies, and yes, they do look a bit different indeed... how fun that you didn't forget to pull out the dress at the same-age time! Love all the smiles :) Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Lindsey H said...

I definitely see similarities but they both have their own identities. Such cute girls. My favorite pic is the last one. :)

Rob and Erin Smith said...

How fun! They look different, but you can also see some sisterly similarities. They are both so beautiful! I love the kissing pictures! They make me giggle... hee hee... You caught so many sweet smiles!!! and T's curls are soooo AWESOME! N's eyes are so knowing and sweet and Happy. Love these pictures :0) That last one Is great!

Keli said...

I some how lossed your blog! Glad I found it again.

Carolyn said...

they look so much alike to me. What beautiful girls. can't wait till Nora's a little older an we can see how much that stays true.

fiona said...

Oh! I love this photo comparison! And at the EXACT age, and the recreated photos! Very cool idea! They DO look different! Of course, since they are different ;) ... but definitely they share some similarities, too. N has more hair, that's true, and yeah, already getting lighter! Look at her sweet little smiles. So precious. I'm jealous of Texas, gettin' to see you right now... But I get to see y'all in July, woohoooo!