Saturday, March 19, 2011


Marc had Friday off, so we all went to the National Zoo in D.C. Teresa loves her some animals, so I was excited to take her. The big cats were kind of lame, the tigers were all lying flat, being all camouflaged in their habitat, I'm not sure if T was even able to spot them. The lions were a little better, they were at least walking around enough to be seen. And to be waved at by Teresa.

Teresa was more interested in running around than the animals. In fact, one of her favorite things about the zoo were these:

Every time we saw a recycling bin she had to go inspect it. But she did like the animals too. We were super glad to have Gigi with us to help, I never realized going to the zoo could be so exhausting! Here's T imitating a monkey (or one of those other primates that we all mistakenly call monkeys anyway).

Getting T to look at the camera is even more impossible when there are animals to be looked at instead.

This is what Teresa looks like most of the time. She just goes at warp speed from morning to night.

Her favorite animal was easily this little mongoose. It was so cute, when she saw him she ran right up to the glass and said "I want him!". Then she proceeded to chase him back and forth through the glass. He would run to one side, and as soon as T caught up with him he would take off the other way.

Here's a little video. T kept bonking her head on the glass when she would have to stop suddenly and change directions. She's just coming off a bonk when the video picks up. They actually amassed quite a little audience while she was chasing him, you can hear some of the spectator comments on the video. She wanted to keep chasing him, but we figured we had held people up long enough.

Untitled from Tara Milligan on Vimeo.

Shortly after we saw the mongoose Teresa was pretty tired and started crawling, so we popped her back in the stroller, which is why she's crying in the next pic. Marc wore Nora the whole time, so she slept through all the excitement, poor thing ;).

Nora's nice long nap at the zoo made it possible for her to stay awake the whole way home! This is how T coped with all the screaming:

Here's some pics of the babe during calmer times.


David said...

What a great day at the zoo! Wonderful to see everyone. T chasing the mongoose was worth the price of admission. Great pictures, Nora looks great in green. Love, Dad and Mom xoxoxoxo

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Hahaha! Love that video! I can't wait to show the kids in the morning! She just goes, goes, goes! Love her coping mechanism in the car too! So funny. You have one smart little cookie on your hands. Those pictures of Nora are so sweet, she has such a beautiful little face! I'm glad Gigi was there to help too! That zoo always wore us out too with that hill. Hey, you came with us once! So long ago... You look great in that first pic Tara, very refreshed, you don't look like you're not getting any sleep! Wow, she does look so busy! Oh! Totally Love the new title and header pictures! So Cute! Haha, Chompy and Snora, very clever! Can't wait to read of more adventures!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

As suspected, the kids Loved the video too. Lots of replays, mostly requested by Colin. Aoife seemed particularly interested in T's speedy little legs making her go so fast!

fiona said...

Oh, Nora has so much hair! I love those pics of her! And the video... awesome :) I'm sure lil' T was the highlight of many a zoo-goer's trip that day! Sooo cute. I like her monkey imitations, too, haha! And NICE wrapping job, Marcus... too nice, since it kept her nicely snoozing for so long, huh? I love the new look on the blog. I, too, am excited to follow the adventures of Chompy and Snora :)