- She calls herself "Sessa". When we point to a picture of her and ask who it is she either says "Sessa!" or "You!". I guess we weren't too clear when we would show her pictures and say "that's you".
- She can count to two! The other day she pointed to the pictures on our living room wall, and proc'aimed "two Sessa's!". After giving Gigi a high five at the store, she held up both hands and said "two high fives". She also has eagle eyesight. She pointed out a plane in the sky today, and then said "two planes!". I could barely make out a second plane way high up there, but she could see it perfectly.
- She found this cute little ride-on horse at the thrift store here on base. She just loves it. The first week we had it she would ride him through the living room, and then let herself fall off him. Then we would have this conversation:
T: Oh no, faa! (fall)
Mom or Dad: Oh no, did you fall?
T: Yeah. Neigh.
Mom or Dad: You fell off your horse? Are you okay?
T: Yeah, Kay.
She seriously wouldn't get up from her "fall" until we asked her if she was okay. Every few minutes we would go through this same routine. Luckily she did it often enough to be cute, but not so often that it got annoying.
She loves taking her "Neigh" for a walk, she'll ride him down to the park in our neighborhood. The downside to that is that Teresa hates going home from the park, so whoever takes her ends up getting to haul a kicking and screaming T, as well as her horse, all the way home.
-Today she saw a picture of a cookie online and pointed to it and said "Cookie!". It made me sad, because she used to call them "Cookoos". More evidence of growing up :(.
-When we come in the gate on base, T loves to say hi to the guards. She insists on having her window rolled down as well so she can talk to them. Luckily they are (almost) all really friendly, and talk to her. She likes to show them whatever toy she's holding, or a lot of the time she'll point out "No-a" (Nora) to them. Tonight she had gotten a little frog toy while we were out, and it was cute how she was anticipating the guard talking to her. She was leaning forward all eagerly, waiting for him to get near her window. As soon as he looked her way she held her "fwog" out and was telling him about it.
-She looooves her daddy. Any princess movie or show we've watched she always points to the prince and calls him "dada". Sessa is usually the princess. (She did label Anita from 101 Dalmatians as "mama", so at least she doesn't completely forget me, I guess.) I think it's cute how much she loves him, she's had a really hard time with him going back to work after his paternity leave.
-She loves, loves to be outside. She doesn't care what the weather is like, she would spend all day outside if she could. This morning the first thing out of her mouth once she got downstairs was "ousside".
She's a little spitfire, she just goes about a hundred miles per hour starting the second she wakes up. We love her so much, I'm constantly amazed by what a little smartie she is, she learns things so quickly, and picks up on so much stuff that I'm not even aware that she is paying attention to.
I feel like she changed from a baby to a full-fledged little girl overnight!
We enjoyed learning about all the ways T is growing, learning and changing. She is indeed a smart little girl! Great pictures, and how could the guards not want to talk to her!
Love, Mom and Dad
Oh, she's so cute! And she is getting so big! I'm sad about the "cookie" with you...spitfire seems like Just the right word.
Hahahah! Her horse falls are hilarious! She is seriously sooo Cute! I'm with Mom, of course the guards love talking to her and "No-a" I can't believe how grown up she is, she is a little smartie! Counting and all! Love the name she calls herself too and those Curls! Great post, thanks :0)
Oh, Sessa!! You're getting big way too fast! I am super impressed but not surprised at all about how brilliant and cute she is ;) Falling off her horse is so funny! Draaaama! It's so cute that she's such a little Daddy's girl. He's her prince :) Oh! I'm also super impressed by her counting and her EYEsight. I'm so glad you posted these tidbits about her! She is quite awesome. Quite = VERY!
What a great post! I loved hearing all the things "Sessa" is up to and I concur with everyone else..she is one smart cookie! <3 The horse falls are hilarious...you should bring the horse to TX, so we can see it. 'Cause, you know, you need one more thing to haul through the airport. ;) She's growing up so fast!!! I would miss the "cookoos", too. Awww...good thing you're writing this stuff down!
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