Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The zoo

We've been trying to make the most of our sitting-around-waiting-for-orders time, and since fall finally decided to come to Florida and the weather was pretty pleasant we decided to go to the zoo yesterday. It was a pretty small zoo, and definitely a little overpriced for what it was, but we still had fun. We got T one of those little kid leashes, so she wouldn't have to be in the stroller, but she wasn't too interested in wearing it. Pretty much any time we put it on her she insisted on being held. She also insisted on pushing the stroller when she wasn't riding in it. We definitely were NOT allowed to help her steer.

They had a little petting zoo area, with goats, sheep, llamas, and pigs. Oh, and they had tons of chickens and turkeys just wandering around freely. T liked the goats, and when we got to the sheep she kept saying 'baa' to them.

She liked the giraffes until they got a little too close. Then she started leaning away and telling them 'bye'.

One of the nice things about it being a smaller zoo was we were able to let T just walk on her own for most of it. There weren't a ton of other people there so she loved being able to do her own thing. She walked on her own until we got to the monkeys. They had some siamangs that were putting on quite a show, swinging around their cage and stuff, and the male was SO loud! He was whooping and screeching a ton, and it really freaked Tressa out. She started saying 'bye' to them and crawling back in her stroller. After that she was happy to just ride for the rest of the zoo. We took a break to play on the slides and ride the train. T kept trying to bail over the side of the train, so that was pretty awesome.

While we were waiting for the train, I thought Teresa might want to ride this zebra. I was wrong. Mean parents that we are, we made her stay on for the whole ride. I mean, we didn't want to just waste our fifty cents!

I'm gonna blame it on the fact that this was towards the end of our visit, and she was pretty tired.

And, in case anyone is interested, here's a 21 week belly shot. I can't believe we're already more than halfway done! This pregnancy has gone way faster than T's, thank goodness!


pauline said...

Hi there :) Good belly shot ... you look wonderful Tooks! I love Treasa's blue skirt fluffy! I bet she likes wearing skirts... they dance better than pants! I see you and the zebra coordinated colours for the day! It sounded like a fun outing. No pics of Daddy :( Her curls are so nice too. Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Tara, you look super cute! I can't believe you're more than halfway there, either... so awesome! I love that little T kept telling the animals "bye" when she was done with them, too funny! and you made her stay on the zebra! I can see why, there's just something wrong about one of those rides continuing child-less. But poor little T, haha! Marcus shoulda hopped on to finish it, then you wouldn't have wasted the $$ ;) Tressa's skirt is adorable!