Thursday, September 16, 2010

So much for Mother's intuition.

Because I was so completely sure that we were going to have a boy this time! Seriously, I could not have been more surprised when we found out today that we are having another little girl! I knew Teresa was a girl pretty much as soon as I got pregnant with her, so I thought I had a pretty good track record of guessing the gender. And I was really feeling boy this time. My confidence faltered a little when the heartbeat was 156, cause I know girls usually have a higher heartbeat, but I was still shocked when we saw the proof. That means Marc wins the bet :(. But, I'm super excited, we were hoping for another little girl, I wanted T to have a sister, and now we don't have to buy as much new stuff! Not that I won't still buy her a ton of stuff, I'm's been hard resisting all the cute little baby clothes at the store lately, so I'm glad we know now!

This pregnancy has been so, so much less miserable than Teresa's. I felt much sicker the first three months this time, but I definitely didn't throw up as many times, which was awesome. I'd rather feel like death all day as long as I don't have to actually throw up! And I've already been feeling a lot better and less exhausted the past week or so, and with T I was crazy sick for the whole first five months. So, that's been a nice blessing. I haven't had a ton of cravings so far, unless you count the time Marc brought home Wendy's chili for lunch and it was the best thing I'd ever eaten IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE. And then I couldn't stop thinking about it all day and I made him bring me more for dinner. He was smart and brought enough for the next day as well. Luckily that didn't last very long, though. Unfortunately pretty much everything else I've gotten a craving for are from places in Utah, so that's been kind of a bummer.

Teresa will pat my belly and say 'baby' over and over again, and give it kisses when we ask, but I don't think she knows why she's actually doing it. She probably thinks it's weird that we keep referring to my tummy as a baby now...

The only down side to it being a little girl is that we were pretty much set on a boy name, but have been having the hardest time picking a girl name! We have the list narrowed down to about 14 now, and I'm thinking we'll probably have to actually see her before we choose one for sure. Unlike with T, where we had her name chosen practically before we got married!


fiona said...

Soooo excited for another little girl Milligan! Even though it means my guess was off, too... Though if her own MOTHER didn't know what she was, she can hardly fault her AUNT ;)

Ha, I'm totally picturing little T thinking you're weird for calling your tummy a baby, now :)

Congrats, congrats, CONGRATS!! And I'm so glad you're not as sick. For the record, I loved Wendy's chili, too. Not when I was pg, just in general...

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!!! : ) Tressa's going to have sooo much fun with her sweet little sister! Wow, another little girl, or probably Big girl, ha ha :0)

I'm sooo EXCITED FOR YOU!!! February's not that far off... So, what does Marcus get for winning the bet? Wendy's chili? ;0)

pauline said...

Hi there ... that is wonderful! We are very excited to know we have another little granddaughter on the way! It will be so fun for Treasa Breege ... hmmm, interesting indeed ... you are prob right that little T is just simply deciding that another word for tummy is baby! hee hee hee! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Melanie said...

So cute! You will love having 2 girls first... they can share their room and talk at night... share jewelry and socks (not clothes, particularly, but accessories), match each other in outfits, fight & be best friends. It's awesome. And the twins didn't comprehend, either, how there was a baby in there (how could they!) so they referred to their babies as their Connors, too. =) Now they TOTALLY get it, because they visited in the hospital and now my tummy is... well, smallER, but um, not gone. =) Congratulations!!!!!!!