Friday, March 26, 2010

Three days later...

I've been trying to post this for the past three days. Blogger FINALLY decided to let me load the videos. So. They're probably not worth all the effort, but there they are.

She actually wasn't too pleased about being in the pot. Go figure...

And, sorry these videos are sideways. I know, it's annoying. I never remember that I can't rotate a video like I can pictures. But, you know, just tilt your head a little, and it's not so bad.


Marc said...

My little drummer! She's so darn cute. I can't decide if I love the babbling, the spatula grab, or the "silent meow" better. Can't wait to see my girls!

zachariah said...

Cute! I have so many posts I've not finished only because blogger stops my picture uploads etc.!

Tara said...

He he, I'm glad you noticed that, I've been meaning to tell you about it, but kept forgetting!

fiona said...

Awww, I miss her!! She's so cute! Little rocker... Why in the world didn't she like being toted around in a pot? Maybe she's watched Granny cook stuff in it too many times. It couldn't be because she's a little mover and wiggler and hates being confined, could it? ;) What's the "silent meow"? I keep watching for it, and I think I might see it? but maybe not. I also liked hearing the video-er, or someone beside her, making the smacky-lip noises to get her attention.

I'm glad Blogger finally decided to let you post your stuff!

Tara said...

You know, the silent meow cats do sometimes. Where it looks like they're meowing, but no sound comes out. Our cat in Springville used to do it all the time. Ozzy too. I guess with T it's more of a silent "ba". When she's standing by the dishwasher, she was "ba-ba ing" and then she switches to just mouthing it. She's been doing that lately, just mouthing her babbles, it's pretty cute.

Rob and Erin said...

Lol! She is too cute! I like the nice loud clear clanks at the end of the first one, she seems to like them too :0) For some reason i'm not hearing any sound on the second video, is that just my computer? Or is that one full of silent meows, and clanks, hmmm.... I love her ba-ba stories, she's so funny, I miss her too. The kids mobbed me when I started the video and Colin hasn't left my side through how many replays now? and he keeps pointing and saying her name and laughing at her, so keep them coming!