Monday, March 29, 2010

Ten Months

Tressa turned ten months old today. It makes me sad. She's getting way too big, way too fast :(. She is such a joy, I'm listening to her play at the toy box right now, chatting away to all the toys she's pulling out. We went back to the doctor this last week to do another weight check. Since she only gained three ounces between her six and nine month checkups, the doctor was a little concerned, and sent us home with instructions to work on fattening her up. He suggested formula, but we ignored him (mostly) and loaded her up with ground flax seed and coconut milk. She LOVED her coconut milk. It worked pretty well, she weighed in at 19 pounds 5 ounces this time around. The doctor said she was "a good, chunky girl".

Are you ready for some pictures? I was blog hopping the other day and came across this website doing a giveaway for a free baby hat. I never, ever enter giveaways, but for some reason I thought I would win this one if I entered, and I did! So random. Anyway, I got to choose a cute, hand made hat for Tressa, and we got it in the mail today. So, since I was planning on documenting her tenth month birthday anyway, here she is in her cute new hat. She kept it on longer than any hat yet. Which is exciting to me, because I really love babies in hats. Maybe she'll start letting me put more hats on her...

I'll warn you now, there are A LOT of them. I just couldn't decide which ones I liked best. And yes, that is a tin of mustard she's holding. She swiped it from the table while she was eating dinner and just wouldn't let it go.

This is her reaction when she sees a camera now, usually. You have to be quick to catch that first smile, though.

Just ignore that mess in the background. Did I mention that we're packing to move to Florida? We leave on Thursday!

Cute hat, right? I think the bow is supposed to be in the front, but it kept getting in her eyes, making her try to pull it off, so I just turned it to the back and she forgot about it. If you want one like it, go here. She makes cute boy hats too!


Rob and Erin said...

Oh My Super Cuteness!!! I'm glad you put all those shots up, they're all totally adorable! I can't decide on my favorite either. That shirt is super cute too! I love her whole outfit! I can't believe you're moving tomorrow, are you almost ready? Brigit wants to know where T got her "really cute" shirt. Oh, poor Dad, he's going to miss her so much! I love that she grabbed the mustard, she likes it hot, just like her Mommy....and Colin :0)

fiona said...

I love all those pictures! She is seriously so bodaciously cute. I had typed in "super cute", but then read Erin's comment and decided that I should branch out a little... That hat is adorable on her, I'm glad she'll put up with it a little longer. At least long enough for a photo shoot! And good choice, I love blue on her! Cute shot with the mustard! Gotta start 'em young! I'm so sad for Grandad :( And Granny, but Grandad seems slightly more wrapped around her little finger... So excited for your little family, though! Drive safely!!!