We haven't had the best week around here. It's been quite the sick house. It all started when Nuala got pink eye last week. So that's been making the rounds. Teresa was blessed to get it yesterday. Lucky girl. Have I mentioned how much I hate pink eye? (Because most people just love it, ya know :) Chalk it up to a really bad pink eye experience I had the summer after my freshman year of college. (Thanks again, Mellors :) Anyway, so Teresa got pink eye, and we got some eye drops from the doctor. Well, from the pharmacist, but the doctor prescribed it. Have you ever tried putting eye drops in a nine month old's eyes? Not too easy. We tried distracting her with a bottle during the eye drops, but she caught on to that real quick.
What else...I got the flu Saturday night, driving home from Dallas. We had a blast at the Irish Festival up there, but regretted staying as long as we did when we straggled in to Boerne after 1:00 A.M. and had to be at church at 9 Sunday morning. Well, I didn't, thanks to the flu, but Fiona and Erin were sure tired the next day. And then today. Oh, today. And last night, really. I don't think I've ever coughed so much in my life. Ever. Luckily, Teresa has been really good about sleeping through all my hacking. And seriously, I took some cough medicine that was supposed to last for eight hours about a half hour ago. But guess what I'm doing right now? Besides blogging, of course. Yep, coughing away.
We're just a pathetic bunch here. All the children came in from jumping on the trampoline and we were treated to a wonderful chorus of coughing. Poor kiddos. I think most of them are on the upswing. And thankfully, T has only had to deal with the pink eye. She somehow avoided all my flu/coughing germs.
And then I talked to Marc. And the day got even lame-er.(More lame? Neither one sounds that good to me...). Anyway. His foot had really been hurting him a few weeks ago. So he went to the doctor, and they told him it was probably broken, and to make an appointment for further discussion later. Which he did. The results? After looking at the x-rays, his doctor came in and said "Your foot is seriously effed up", only with less polite language. It was a Navy doctor, after all. Turns out Marc will be needing some awesome surgery on his foot. The good news is, the doc said if it isn't bothering him, we can probably wait until we get to Maryland to have that done. Which brings me to the saddest part of the day...
Last week Marcus found out he will be able to do the advanced training he was hoping for. Which is a good thing. He really, really wanted to do it, and it will be great career wise, etc, etc. It means six more months of training in Florida. Tressa and I will be moving there the first of April until about Septemberish. Then we will go to Maryland for the next 3-5 years. Which is pretty exciting. We're both especially excited to get to live in one spot for more than a year finally. The sad part? Today, Marc found out that if he hadn't gotten the class, and we had just gotten our orders, we would have been sent to Germany. Which was easily our number one pick of where we would have loved to be sent. Can you believe it? I'm trying not to be too bummed about it. I know we'll still have a great time in Florida, and I am really excited to go to Maryland. But, seriously, why couldn't they have made our orders to Georgia (the one place neither Marc nor I wanted to go)? That would have made me SO much more excited about Florida and Maryland.
The Germany news came just about five minutes after I talked to my cousin to cancel our weekend plans. You know, due to the flu/coughing up a lung/T's pink eye. We were supposed to meet up in Houston, Sarah, Angie and me. (Well, Sarah and Angie are already there, I was the only one meeting them there, I guess) Sarah finally got home from her mission in January (February?) So it would have been our first time back together since she left. And the first time the three of us would have been back together since...I don't know when. More than two years, I think. So I'm pretty bummed about that. Because in a week or so Sarah is off to California, and I'm off to Florida, so this was pretty much our only chance.
And to top it all off...we're out of Rocky Road ice cream. I guess I'll have to settle for Cookies and Cream...
Oh well. Maybe next week will be better. And as long as this little girl is involved, we'll have a great time wherever we go...