Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crawling and such

After three-ish months of scooting and army crawling all over the place, Teresa finally figured out how to actually crawl. It was fun watching her figure out how to actually use her knees to get around. After a few days of shaky-ness, she's got it pretty perfected. Below are two short videos of her new skills:

She also has been pulling up to stand for a while now. It's so fun to see her little head appearing over the side of her pack and play when she wakes up. Now she's working on letting go with one hand while still keeping her balance. If you listen carefully in the next video, you can hear her laughing (which is actually a pretty rare occurrence) above the din of the nieces and nephews being entertained by Uncle Gary.

What else? Oh, she also got some front teeth for Christmas. Well, the day after Christmas, actually, her bottom two teeth decided to finally make an appearance. Teething wasn't her favorite thing in the world, so we're glad to have that over with for now.

And did I mention that Teresa and I are flying to Pensacola tomorrow to see this guy?

We can't wait!


pauline said...

such cute videos ... she is a talented little lassie indeed! It's fun to watch her learn all that new stuff... love you all, Mom (Dad too) xox

Marc said...

She's such a big girl! Tell her to slow down! Or maybe I'll just tell her tomorrow! Can't wait to see you guys. Love, M

Carolyn said...

What a cutie. Way to go Teresa!!!

fiona said...

She's so cute! Though I'm pretty sure that's the general consensus... I love the last video, her little face is so precious when she's laughing! and always, but, you know... :) We missed y'all this wknd, but we're so glad you got to go see Marcus. Nuala keeps saying that "maybe Teresa's daddy come back with her!" but no...

Rob and Erin said...

Awesome footage! I love her laugh, and her talking, she's so cute. She's so fast on those hands and knees!