Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving! Late, I know. I love Thanksgiving, especially this year, when I have so much to be thankful for. I would make a list, but it would be ridiculously long. Teresa would definitely be at the top, though, if I were to make such a list. She'd probably be on there several times, actually. And I'll just warn you now, this post is really long, and has A LOT of pictures. I really am trying to cut down on how many millions of pictures I take... Anyway, this year we got to go to Florida to visit Marc for Thanksgiving. Turns out Pensacola is just barely in Florida, only about 8ish hours from Houston, so we drove out for the long weekend. The drive was so beautiful! We went through Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, it was such a nice drive. Especially since I wasn't driving ;) Teresa was great in the car, she slept most of the way, with only a little complaining thrown in. She was excited to see her daddy. I was a little worried about her reaction to him, since she has recently started being a little clingy, but she had a great time with Marc.


We ate Thanksgiving dinner with the LDS Branch on base, and it was delicious! They probably only had less than fifty people there, but they had tons of food. Way too much food, including possibly the best green bean casserole I've ever had. Ever. Seriously, it was really good. The weather was really nice, a little on the cool side, but we had fun hanging out outside after lunch. It was fun to see Marc in his dress uniform, that was a first. I liked it ;).

I made him pose by himself, just 'cause he's cute...

Matching cousins! I don't know if I've gushed enough about these cute outfits Melissa made! So fun.

And some more...

Friday morning Marc's mom, Melissa, and I left the hotel around 4:30 to do some Black Friday shopping. My first experience with Black Friday last year was pretty horrible, I pretty much just stood in line and tried not to throw up, so I wasn't really looking forward to going this year. But, it turned out to be pretty fun. Not actually as crazy as I imagined it would be. Black Friday shoppers are pretty efficient, they pretty much know what they want and just get in and out. Our camera decided to break Thanksgiving afternoon. I knew it was coming, it's been acting up for a while now, so I guess the timing was good, cause we were able to pick up a new one super cheap at one of the sales.

Marc isn't allowed to leave base yet, so we went bowling Friday afternoon. It was pretty much the only family activity available on base, since it was too cold to be outside much on Friday. How awesome does his uniform look with bowling shoes instead of boots?

Teresa had fun eating the table (did I mention she's teething?) and examining the bowling balls.

We were sad to leave without Marc, but he gets to come home for Christmas in less than three weeks! In other good news, he got to start his advanced training class yesterday. He had originally been told it might not start until later in December, or even January, so we were pleasantly surprised that he got to start earlier. He loves it, so far, but we'll see if that changes in the next 15 weeks.


fiona said...

The little cat on T's bum is so cute! Sounds like y'all had a great time! Of COURSE. That's great that he gets to start his training earlier, and that you get to see him again so (relatively) soon! The dress uniform is pretty snazzy, but so is the bowling shoes/camo combo...can't decide which is better... ;) I LOVE the outfits Melissa made, they look terrific! What cute kids, too. And the pics of you and little T are adorable, esp. the one with her up in the air and you looking so excited!

J'Nette said...

that thanksgiving outfit is adorable! If i ever have a girl I want that outfit! I'm so happy you got to see your husband. Goodluck with the teething thing! I'll hopefully see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Had a great time and it was so sad to have you and T leave yesterday but I know your folks were glad to have you back. See you in a couple of weeks or so.


Rob and Erin said...

Awesome matching cousins! How fun is that! I also love the one where you're swinging her up in the air, so cute! and her kitty bum, she seems to be getting more hair. I'm so glad you got to be with Marc, nothing like Daddy time. Marc looks snappy in his dress uniform, what a great family trip!

Melissa said...

I am so glad we could all go! I had a great time shopping Black Friday, and T was a super shopper!

But we will definitely have to rethink the driving arrangements next time. All men and children in one car, women in the other car. I really don't think those ten hours would have seemed very long if I was chatting with you instead of refereeing my children :)