Thursday, November 13, 2008

Now introducing...

We got to have our ultrasound today. I was a little worried when the tech started because Aislinn and the tech said, "Oh there it is" while Tara and I couldn't make anything out. Luckily the baby was moving a lot and we were able to see it once she zoomed in. We got 11 minutes worth of video on a DVD!

He/she was very active and it was fun to see the baby moving. You could make out hands, the spine, leg bones, the stomach, and the heart beating. The heart sounded pretty cool (at 158 bpm for those of you who care). The craziest part was the size of the baby. Even with all the detail we saw, the baby is only 6.5cm! These sentences are longer than our baby right now!

I'm sorry we don't have clearer pictures but they're screen shots from the DVD of the ultrasound. Tara is 12 weeks and 3 days along and expected to have the baby on May 25, 2008. We're excited! Love, Marcus (and Tara...I had to hijack her account because I forgot my password)


pauline said...

Hi there :) :) :) big smiles from us!!! The pics are great, b/c we can use our imagination from what we see.... the first one is actually pretty clear. Of course you are excited... it's amazing to see a little baby's pic when he/she is so so small (2 inches!) You will be great parents :)

Hmmm, I am FIRST to comment!!! YEAH!!! (Sorry Fiona, for knocking you outa first place ...)

Love, Dad & Mom xox

fiona said...

I'm sooooo excited!!! And, wow, your baby has a big head! (of course, Tara is the mom...) just kidding, they all have big heads when they're little. Don't feel badly abt not seeing him/her right off, both Aislinn and the tech have seen a LOOOOOT more u/s's than y'all. You should put a poll up for us to guess what Baby Milligan turns out to be. I vote boy. And is Tara still puking her guts out?

fiona said...

hey!!! when I started my comment there were no others!!! I'm not bitter. Not very. Hmmm...that should teach me not to leave such long comments...nope, I enjoy it too much! ;)

Unknown said...

Congratulations you guys! Great news!

RondaJo said...

Congratulations! How exciting! I hope you have a great pregnancy.

Melissa said...

Yeah!!! The cat is FINALLY out of the bag. I am so excited for you guys. Caleb wants to know if we can borrow the baby sometimes? He really wants a baby at our house. I don't think he cares if it is a boy or a girl but, I know Livy will be hoping for a girl.In her words,"NO MORE BOYS!" We love you guys and hope that Tara is no longer puking her guts out!

MarciaAnne said...

Congratulations!!! Best wishes for a healthy easy pregnancy.

Dan and Ashleigh said...

Congratulations! Cherish this--it really is a miracle. Can't wait to meet little Baby Milligan :)

Becky said...

Congratulations. Babies are great and I always think they look like their dad in the ultrasounds, at least my grandbabies always did to me even though I like you never really saw what I think I was suppose to see.

Rob and Erin said...

Ohhh! How Exciting!!!! Oh, what a wonderful time!!!! I can't wait to meet baby Milligan!!! I vote boy also! Tara, I hope you are feeling a lot better, but if not, it's just another 6 months or so...right?

J'Nette said...

Happy day for you guys!!!!! I'm so excited for you there are not words!!! I hope you are feeling well, from month 1.5 to 5 months i felt like serious poo. Tried all the fancy meds, nothing worked, still threw up everyday. I'm only about 3 weeks out of that stage now and i kinda forgot it ever happened. I'm sure your body will block out the painful expierence too :). Let me know if you need anything!

Anonymous said...

Poppie is sooooo happy for you 2. I know you will be great parents and of course, David & I will be sure the baby is not spoiled...

Aislinn said...

YAY!!! Baby Milligan is such a cutie! I can't wait to meet him for real in 6-ish months. Don't worry, by the next baby, you'll be a pro at recognizing baby parts...and if not, well, by baby #3, at least! ;o)

Carolyn said...

So fun. Congratulations guys. I hope you are able to enjoy such an exciting time. It truly is a blessing.