Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Somebody's Gotta Do It...I just wish it wasn't me!

We took our dog, Scout, to the vet the other day, to get her shots, some sedatives for the move to Texas, and because we suspected she had an ear infection. She's been swimming in some very questionable water, and had been shaking her head a ton, rubbing her ears against the house and fence, and occasionally yelping when we touched her ears. You can tell we are really good at putting clues together...

Anyway, the trip was pretty eventful...the vet is just across the railroad tracks, so we walked there. Scout was really good until the vet tried to stick an ear checker thing (that's the technical term for it) in her ears. Then she freaked out. It took three of us to try to keep her on the table long enough to get her four shots. By the time the vet was trying to show us how to treat her ears when we got home(more on that later), she was frothing at the mouth from all her thrashing. Did I mention that she is ridiculously strong? Side story: one time we were playing tug of war with her dog toy, and I lost my balance when Scout readjusted her grip. I was interested to see what she would do with me on the ground, so I just held on to the toy. She went ahead and dragged me half way across the yard, until I let go. So...she's pretty strong.

The vet told us that we would have to give her some ear drops every day for a week, and then once a week for a month. However, before we put the drops in, we have to stick our fingers down into her ears as far as possible to remove the 'gunk' that builds up thanks to the ear infection. That is probably one of the grossest things I can imagine doing, so I was quick to let Marcus know that could be his job. Until he reminded me that I'm not strong enough to hold Scout down while he does it looks like I'm the lucky one that gets to stick her fingers into the dog's ear canal...try not to be too jealous.


Melissa said...

Ah...the joys of being a pet owner. Kids don't seem like so much trouble in comparison! :)

Rob and Erin said...

Eewwww! That sounds really disgusting! Lucky Tara! Lucky for Marcus he's so strong :0) Have fun...

Anonymous said...

But the, kids won't go get your ducks either...

Susan's 365 said...

A friend of Aislinn's here with a tip...we had a cocker spaniel that always had ear problems and we used the long wooden q-tips to clean his ears...worked wonders and no need to stick your fingers down there.

Tara said...

hmm, that's a good idea.

Aldobean said...

You are moving to Texas? Marcus, fill me in! What city?

fiona said...

Oh man!!! I was laughing soooo hard at this post, Tara!! I hope all of you survive this ear infection, it sounds...well, I just hope ALL of you survive it, haha! And I'm trying very hard to squelch my extreme jealously. I guess this will help prepare you for the grossness of kids, though really I would probably prefer any of their associated grossness over cleaning a dog's ear with my finger (laughing again, now). Hopefully the long q-tip idea will work!

zachariah said...

I've lost track of how many fowl jobs Fiona has tried to foist upon me with the excuse "why else would a girl get married...".

pauline said...

that sounds like an interesting job .... poor Scout. xox

Aislinn said...

Well, really Zac, why else WOULD a girl get married? ;o)

Hi, Susan!!! Great tip...I was so not envying Tara that job, LOL.

Tara, I hope the q-tips worked for you. There is no way I'd stick my fingers into a dog's ear. That makes any child related task look like a breeze...and I beg to differ that children can't fetch your duck. Mine are very good at fetching. It's all in the training. ;o) LOL.