Saturday, July 5, 2008

About those deleted comments...

While I'm sure its not as exciting as the scenarios you've all conjured up in your minds, the truth of the deleted comments is somewhat of a mystery. Best I can tell, its some sort of glitch. I receive an email each time one of you makes a comment and lately I've been getting duplicitous comments, e.g. I'll get one from Fiona and the exact same one from Zach while it was clearly written by Zach. It clears it self up in the end but I do get a few emails. Until then...


Rob and Erin said...

Okay, I'll accept that answer/theory. I was thinking people just kept making risque' comments and then thinking better of them. Nice poster, I'm totally into Geeks!

fiona said...

Okay, okay...we'll fess up...So, I made a comment, and then Aislinn made one, but forget to switch over to her account, so we deleted the comment from my account that she wrote and she pasted the exact comment back in from her account. Then Z did the same, not really a glitch. More like user error. But deleted comments do always add an element of mystery...especially a post such as that one, haha!