Saturday, August 9, 2014

Summer Catch Up

I feel like all I ever post about on here is Finn! The rest of us have been doing stuff, too. I went to Nashville with my Mom and sisters earlier this summer. It was so fun to be able to hang out with them! I took Finn, of course, and actually did not take many pictures! Here are a few from my phone. I know the others took more and better ones!

We visited Andrew Jackson's home, the Hermitage, went to a show at the Grand Ol' Opry, and toured downtown Nashville and the Country Music Hall of Fame. It was so much fun! Well, Finn HATED the Opry, poor dude, I got to sit out in the foyer with him for a bit of it, but other than that we had a blast.

Nora is in a very fancy stage lately. She mostly likes to wear dresses or skirts and always a pair of shoes. She is quite particular about which shoes she wants to wear with which outfit. She was quite pleased with her get up here and wanted some pictures taken. T had to photobomb them, of course :).

Teresa made a to do list for Marc one day while he was at work. It says "play with Finn and kiss Mom. Build! Beds! eat play go to bed". Marc told them when we moved to the new house he would build them some bunk beds, so that's what she means by Build! Beds!.

I think I'm addicted to taking selfies with Finn.

The girls helped me put together some little shelves from Ikea. They did a great job! I was surprised by how much they were able to do on their own. They did all the screws themselves, until they got too hard to twist, and then I finished them up. T tightened the very last screw all the way down by herself. She was so pleased that she was finally able to do one all by herself, even when it got difficult. It was a good lesson in patience for Mom, too.


My poor baby Finn got hand, foot, and mouth disease :(. He had a fever for a few days, but I just assumed it was teething. Then a day or so later it looked like his eczema was flaring up, since it is worst on his legs and ankles, but then they turned into these big sores and showed up on his hands too, poor babe. I don't think it was too bad in his mouth, thankfully, but he would not let me get much of a look in there. He was pretty sicky and miserable for a few days there, though.

 And it's been awhile since we've done a things they say post! I've gotten really bad at writing down the cute/funny things the girls say, so I don't have too many, but here they are:

When I pulled out Nora's birthday shirt that said "3", T said "for my birthday, I'm gonna need a shirt that says 'almost 6'".

Marc chided Nora for making a big mess with her food and she said "I'm sorry Dad, I didn't realize that was inappropriate".  We had to laugh at how old and mature she sounded.

Finn broke a piece of something he shouldn't have been chewing on and I just lightly said "Finn, you stinker!" and Nora responded "Mom! He is NOT a stinker! He is a kind and generous boy!"

Marc set the hose up to run water down the slide for the girls a few weeks ago. T asked him if he had done that when he was a little boy. He said no, and she said "Oh, because they didn't have hoses when you were a kid?".

Nora still has a few words that she doesn't say correctly, and it makes us smile. She calls cottage cheese "college cheese" and roast beef "gross beef".

Oh, and here are some videos of Finn. He woke up about 10:00 one night and was just wide awake, so I brought him downstairs to hang out. Here he is watching himself on the camera.

And trying to replicate some noises we were making:

Well, shoot, this post ended up being pretty Finn heavy, too! Maybe next time.


fiona said...

Super cute Finn videos! Poor lil' guy, getting all diseased. I'm glad he's better. I love the pics of the girls with the shelves! They look so focused...screws clenched in their little mouths and all... And Nora is adorable in Maeve's old dress!!! Makes me sad that M is getting so big! I like T's list, too, haha! Get building those beds! ;) Nashville was so much fun. I can't believe it's over and done with already!

pauline said...

That's what I get for not being the first comment ... Fiona said pretty much what I was going to say ... even the little extra pcs stored in mouths when assembling the shelves :) T & N are so funny, and so good at putting stuff together! LOL at N's doll peeking out of her shirt as she works away! Yes, nice "to do" list too ... Finn is so cute in hislllblblb video ... but I didn't see the other one ...there's just a space under what you said about him looking at himself... It was a great post... nice Nashville memories too... love, Mom xox

pauline said...

Ah .. now (later) I saw the video of himself! I love his cute smiles that he has and his little chatter :) xox