Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Finn is four months, and some videos

I took Finn in for his four month check up yesterday. He is a big giant baby, so I was pretty surprised when he only weighed 16 lbs 13 oz. Which is still in the 75% for his age, but at two months he was over the 95th percentile for weight, so I was thinking he would still be around there. Of course, T and Nora both had a big percentage drop about this age, so I guess it's par for the course. His height remained way off the charts, he's 28 1/4 inches currently. For reference, at SIX months T was 17 lbs and 27.5 inches and Nora was only 15.5 lbs and 25.5 inches. Four-month-old Finn only weighs 5 ounces less than our one-year-old Nora did.

A week or so ago he pretty much forced us to sleep train him. He wouldn't go to sleep nursing or rocking like he usually did one night, so finally I just put him down in his bed and he went right to sleep. Since then he pretty much won't go to sleep until we put him in bed. He will still usually fuss and cry a bit, but then goes off to sleep after five or ten minutes. And just a few days ago he started turning onto his belly to sleep, so we are finally getting some rest around here.

Teresa loves taking care of Finn, and trying to make him laugh. She's finally starting to figure out that he responds a lot better to her affections if she doesn't overwhelm him by getting completely up in his face. They were both having a lot of fun in these videos.

Five points if you can tell why I said "Seriously?". I had to stop the recording because I was laughing too much.

He recently started making lots of cute little noises.

It's a little hard to work the phone camera and tickle a baby at the same time.

He is so ready to be hitting some more milestones - he is always straining to sit up, and he gets so excited trying to grab for toys and stuff. His hands are still pretty clumsy, but he is getting there. Poor fellow has eczema, mostly on his legs and arms, and his poor little head, too, he has been scratching at his scalp a lot the past few days. Couple that with a thrush diagnosis from the doctor yesterday and we are pretty much constantly rubbing lotion or hydrocortisone cream on him or dosing him with nystatin (four times a day!). He is a bit more work than I was hoping for a third baby, but we love him so much, we don't mind.

He is very interested in anything we are eating. He perks up when he sees someone eating something, and if you are holding him he with start swiping for it. He'll have to be patient just a little bit longer. The girls are very, very excited for him to start eating stuff besides milk, so they can feed him. We've attempted bottles of pumped milk two times, but he has absolutely zero interest in them, and the girls were quite disappointed by that.

He loves to suck on his hands, and is always trying to cram as much of them in his mouth as he can. He's always trying to slip a finger or two in there when he's nursing, too. His little fingers are always so chapped thanks to that, since his skin is already so dry to begin with!

Anyway, that's a bit of a longer update than I had planned about Finn. We just love him so much, and are so glad to have him in our family. 


Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh my goodness!! I Loved all of these! I know why you said Seriously, but I don't want to out anyone... His little noises are so cute! He sounded like he was doing a little oink at the beginning of the third one. Ha, Teresa, lol, not wanting to mess up her hair, so cute too! And super adorable of her sock game with Finn, he such a lucky little brother!! He's laughing so much and his surprise faces, seriously, I'm so glad you posted these. I miss him... And the rest of you. Where was Nora? I want to see her too. So Finn is totally catching up to Deirdre. She was 19 lbs something ounces, but not even 20 yet!! She eats all the time, I'm not sure where it's going... Aoife's been asking to watch them over and over, she loves T''s awesome slap dance moves. Oh! He's so smiley!! Love his little boy chuckles! xoxoxo

Aislinn said...

Those are all so adorable!! Really, where was Nora? LOL. Teresa is such a good little entertainer and the way Finn looks at her is soooo cute! I LOL'd at the "Seriously?" part too. Love the look on Teresa's face when she turns around, LOL. Was is him or her? Ahhh...I can't believe how big and sturdy he is! It's fun to have a big, chunky baby sometimes, huh? Especially after petite little girls, LOL. Thanks for sharing these...we've been enjoying watching them over and over, too! <3

pauline said...

Oh those are SO cute ... we love the videos ... what great giggles, and what a wonderful li'l entertainer Teresa is ... looks like lots of fun for both of them. Thanks for sharing!
Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Suuuuper cute!!! For some reason I could not hear the very first video! BUT, we did hear the others, and I could totally tell why you said "seriously?!" hahaha! Yeah, which one of them was it? My money's on T... Maeve LOVED the vids... he is just so dang cute! We did have the following conversation, just FYI..

Maeve: "How come we just see the baby?" Me: "Who else do you want to see?" Maeve: "The mom!"

So, put yourself in the video, too... I don't know, have T or Nora work the camera, hehehehee.... :D