Saturday, October 5, 2013

Some more about Finn

We've been loving on this little man for a whole three weeks now. 

He's pretty much the best baby ever. Everyone knows the first rule of how well your baby sleeps is that you never talk about how well your baby sleeps. I don't want to jinx it, so that's all I will say about that. 

Marc took some pictures of Finn this week to celebrate his three weeks on earth so far. He really is such a little sweet heart. He puts up with so much from his loving sisters. Nora was throwing a tantrum the other day, while I held a sleeping Finn. She was frustrated with me for ignoring her while she screamed so she climbed up on the couch so she could scream right in my face. Little brother never even flinched, just slept on through the whole thing. 

Teresa and Nora are still in love with him. They love to get down next to him on the floor, and argue over who he is looking at.

They've both done mostly well adjusting to having a new baby. Teresa had some trouble with tantrums the first week we were home, but she seems to have passed the baton to Nora, who is just being a lot more of a two-year-old than she usually is. 

We've been having fun with Granny here, too. Lots of trips to the park, much to Nora's delight.

Baby-wearing. He likes it. 

Teresa climbed a tree! She used to ask to find a tree to climb, but then when we would find one she would change her mind and be too scared to try it. Then last week at the park she saw a little girl in this tree and I guess it gave her the confidence to try it out herself. She loved it and wanted me to take tons of pictures to show Daddy how brave she was. 

Nora was willing to let me put her in the tree, but she got tired of it pretty quickly. 

Oh, we had kittens in our shed again! This was a few weeks ago, right after Finn was born. T was at preschool and Nora and I heard some squeaking outside. There was that same darn stray mama cat from before, with a new litter of kittens in our shed! She must have some secret entrance, because we always keep the door shut. We brought one in to play with. Nora was in love with him, and promptly named him David. 

He was less than thrilled to be carried around in this basket, but Nora thought it was the best. 

She's about to cry in the below pictures, because she was worried that he got his claws in her shirt.  We were very tempted to keep him, but getting a kitten the same week you bring home a new baby just didn't sound like the best idea. Maybe mama cat will bring us some more kittens in a few months and we'll keep one of those... 

Finn already has some clear preferences. He can't go to sleep for the night unless he is nice and tightly swaddled. He also prefers to sleep flat, instead of in his nice, inclined little rock n' play sleeper that we used with Nora. He pretty much only fusses when he needs to burp or when he wants to be swaddled. 

Anything that gets near his mouth makes him think he is hungry. He eats really frequently during the day, which I don't mind, because he makes up for it at night. He is growing like a weed! He was 9 lbs 1 oz when we took him to the doctor the Wednesday after he was born. Then a week later we took him back for his two week check up and he was already 9 lbs 10 oz and 23 1/2 inches. We weighed him at home this week and he's already up to 10 and a half pounds. 

And here are a bunch more pictures of him, because he's just so cute. 


Little three-week-old feet.


pauline said...

It's lotsa fun being with you all these days... Beautiful little Finn is such a great little lad ... And the girls are so cute with him... Love you, Mom xox

Melissa said...

He is adorable and growing so fast!! He will have my newest little guy beat in no time. Wish I was there to kiss his chubby cheeks. And get snuggles from the girls.

Rachel Chappell said...

He is so, so cute! Loved all the pictures of him and the girls!

fiona said...

Oh, these pics are soooo dang adorable! He is gorgeous. I hate that Google Reader doesn't exist anymore, and that I let Marc posting a link to your blog post ONE time lull me into thinking he'd post again when you posted... I am wiser now and will actually check. T up the tree is really cute! I like how she's wrapped around that branch. And then Nora goes up... And they match! :D Finn is so cute all swaddled up. I'm glad he's such an easy little guy right now! Hopefully he'll stay like that... ;) Oh, your kittens! I find it hilarious that you brought one in to play! I mean, why not? But for some reason it just sounds funny. "I'm just gonna borrow this kitten for a few minutes..."