Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Just Some Stuff

I don't really have any thing cohesive to write about...we've just been muddling through the rest of the summer, waiting for this baby boy to get here. I think T and Nora are starting to wonder if he is ever going to actually show up.

They have been pretty funny in regards to my pregnancy symptoms. Every time T sees me take something for heartburn she says "So, when I have a baby in my tummy, will I have to take that medicine, too?" and one night we were watching a movie and she put her fist up to her chest and said "oh, I think I have some heartburn". And when I'm throwing up (because, of course, that's back now) she is very concerned for me and will come over to hug me when I'm done and say "I really don't like it when you have to do that" or "I'm really sorry that you keep doing that". She also has worriedly said a few times "when I have a baby in my tummy, will I have to throw up all the time?". Gosh I hope not, Teresa. Hopefully by the time she starts having babies there will be more effective nausea treatments out there. 

Both girls are always asking to help me make dinner or pretty much whatever else I'm doing in the kitchen. Luckily for them, I realized how easy it is to let them make boxed brownies, and they have been loving it. Seriously, they can pretty much do the whole thing themselves, it's great. And of course, they get the bowl nice and clean afterward, too :). 

Avocados. Teresa thinks that she does not like them. She always tries to talk me out of buying them when we're at the store. She complains when I put some on her plate. But then I tell her it is good for her, and she needs to eat her one small piece, and she does and says "oh, yeah, it's yummy". But always declines more. She loves guacamole, though. Silly girl. They both devoured this avocado pasta. Though, it's possible I told her there were not any avocados in it. She is rightfully suspicious of anything green at our house. 

Teresa's been asking to go back to the beach since July, and we finally made it happen again this past week. We were planning to go to Ocean City, but when we got there we saw that Assateague Island was only another seven miles away. I've always, always wanted to go see the wild ponies there, but I thought it was so much farther away from us than it is, so we took the opportunity and went there instead. 

We saw some ponies right away, the girls were so excited! I was a little less excited by all the warning signs telling you that they will bite and kick you - they even had some pretty gruesome pictures of people that had been bitten by the ponies, so we made sure not to get too close. 

This summer has had such weird weather, it was only in the 70's when we were there -  almost too cool for swimming, though that didn't stop the T at all. I think it is so funny how much of a water bug she is this year, it is so opposite from last summer. Gives us hope for Nora. She mostly stuck with the sand again, and loved collecting sea shells. 

She did surprise us at the end and decided to get wet after all - I love hearing her cute giggles as she anticipated the waves coming for her. She got cold pretty fast, though.

More ponies, just hanging out on the side of the road. I guess there are some conflicting opinions on how all the wild ponies came to be there, but most people seem to think they are the result of Spanish ships that sunk way back in the day when people were first coming to America. 

After we left I asked them what their favorite part of the day was. They both said the ponies, but then Teresa asked if we could go find some regular horses that she could actually touch. Nora has been asking all week to go back and see them again. 

Teresa has been drawing a ton lately. We got a drawing/chalkboard easel from Ikea a few weeks ago, and it has totally unleashed her creativity. I'm loving it - she had such little interest in drawing for so long, and it is so fun now to see what she comes up with. Below is a picture of her and Nora riding on "a pony with a horn" - NOT a unicorn. Seriously, don't call it that. 

I'm just hanging out, being pregnant. It's been rough. Marc came home from PT one morning and said "wow, why do you look so bad?" He quickly tried to back track and said "I mean, why do you look like you feel so bad", but the damage was done. I'm very, very ready for the little dude to get here so I can start sleeping again. I had some Braxton-Hicks on Sunday, which was totally lame, because it made it really hard to not get our hopes up that he would show up a bit early. I never really had any contractions with the girls before I was actually in labor with them, so it was a bit disappointing to have some fake ones this time.

We are actually ready for him, now, as Marc was able to get his car seat base installed in the back of our Camry. We struggled with it for about an hour a few weeks ago, and finally gave up for the time being. Then Marc headed out on Friday to try again, and I was totally surprised when he came inside less than 10 minutes later having been successful. So. Three car seats do fit comfortably in the back of our car, but we will have to see how it works out when there are actually three children filling them up. I'm thinking baby brother won't be doing a lot of sleeping when he's in the car. 


Aislinn said...

Eee...I can't believe you're getting so close to the end! I can't wait to see that new little boy and hear how the girls love him! Sorry about the BH, though. :( So cool that you got to go to Assateague Island! Those ponies are neat. So, were they just wandering around the parking lot when you first got there? Seems so weird to have wild ponies mixing with "civilized" people! ;) Love that T and N can almost make brownies all by themselves, LOL. Train 'em young and you won't have to make dinner anymore in a few years! ;) As always, cute, cute girls! Thanks for sharing...they're so funny and adorable! <3

pauline said...

I love how T gives herself curly hair ... but poor N ... just 'cuz it's straight...she gets sticking-out-everywhere-hair heeheehee! Great picture of a one-horned horse riding experience. Such a nice view from the car of those ponies; glad you obeyed the signs! Haha the avocadoes ... and the avoc pasta... great messy pics :) It's nice that T is so sympathetic ... what wonderful little girls ... thanks for sharing that glimpse into your lives :) love, Mom xox

fiona said...

YES, the hair on the drawing is hilarious! T's such a fun little artist! I'm excited for you not to be pregnant anymore... I wanna see him!!!! And I obviously want you to be slightly more comfortable and not puke your guts up. Tressa's so sweet, being concerned abt you! And concerned about her future pregnant self, haha! That's very handy that the girls can make brownies (almost independently). Very handy, indeed... And cool abt Assateague! We went there, back in the day, and I liked the ponies, too. Of course, that was pre-kids. I bet it was really fun for them.