Monday, July 15, 2013

Things They Say, Teresa Edition

Looks like it's time for another things they say post! Just Teresa this time, so it doesn't get too long.

Marc asked the girls if they wanted to learn how to count to five in Spanish. T said "You mean uno, dos, tres, quantro, cinco?". I guess they really do learn something from watching Dora.

When Marc got home from fishing T told him "You are the BEST fisher-dad ever!".

She insists that she does not need to be "baby-sitted", she needs to be "big-kid-sitted".

Playing school with Nora one day, T was pacing back and forth saying "Rule number 1: Do not cry. Or whine. Or laugh. Or talk. Or cry. Or burp. Or sneeze. Or toot.".

"Okay, I will be captain Tressa. Nora, you will be Matey Nora. Mom and Dad, you can be the guys that swab the deck". Sounds pretty accurate to me.

Said to me at 5:45 in the morning, when I wasn't getting up fast enough for her liking "Mom, it's not okay for people to just sleep all day. You need to get up". You bet I will be referencing this when she is a teenager.

She thought she wanted to ride this mechanical bull. She was wrong.

Marc complimented her on something she did and she said "Well, I couldn't have done it without myself".

Driving to church one day "Mom, you know those animals that are brown, that are not reindeer?". Um, no. I don't, sorry.

Reasons she wanted to go to her "Mom's-mom's house: Our house is not pretty. My Mom's mom's house is very pretty. Our house is not fun. Granny's house is fun. Our house does not have a trampoline (it does now!), Granny's house has a trampoline. Our house does not have any cats. My mom's mom's house has three cats".

During a look and find book she got to find a heart shape. She said "Oh, I love hearts." then a big sigh, then "Oh, I'm going to cry!".

Marc was trying to teach Teresa our phone number in the car one day. He made it into a little song to help her remember - she sang it a few times and then said "let's sing it together!" Marc and I started singing and she said "No, no, no, stop. I am just going to sing it by myself. Dad, you can help me." I guess that was her tactful way of saying she didn't want me to sing?

T is always thrilled when the dalmatian that lives near the park is out. She loved when the dog would jump up on her. She's planning on getting a dal when she is 5. Right now she wants to name it Biscuits. I told her when I was four, I named our dog Poocha, and she laughed her head off about that name for like, five minutes. Not cool, T.


Rachel Chappell said...

I am laughing so hard at the picture of her on the mechanical bull. I love when I get pictures like that of the boys.

David said...

Aww ... that was great ... heeheehee "my mom's mom's house ..." so she can count in Spanish ... good job! Well, you should get up MUCH EARLIER than 5:45 Tooks you know! That is a very cute dalmation, and he seems to like T quite a bit! Thanks for sharing with us... we got a good giggle! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Hahahaa! I love the bull pic, too. "She was wrong." Hahahahaaaa! Poor you... Poocha was an... awesome... name... ;) I like T's rules for Nora. Sounds like she was covering almost all the bases. I also love that you and Marc are the deck-swabbers! Hahahaha! Also, yeah. She didn't want you to sing. ;) The pics with the dalmation are so cute. I can't wait to meet Biscuits in a year! ;)