Monday, July 8, 2013


We headed down to Virginia Beach for the holiday weekend. The girls were both super excited to go to the beach, but I wasn't holding my breath that they would love it based on last summer. However, they both surprised us the first day by immediately bounding into the water and spending pretty much the whole time there. 

It was super fun, but we definitely learned that going to the beach on the Fourth of July is not the best idea if you don't love crowds. 

The next day when we got there Nora would absolutely not even touch the water. Little rascal, she was so different than the day before! She just wanted to dig in the sand. 

Teresa was awesome. We picked up a little "surf board", as she called it, and she loved it so much. She was totally brave in the water, and didn't care at all when she got dumped off her board. She actually got really good at riding the waves back to shore. And I think she just looks so old in these pictures! 

Nora got some Baywatch practice in...

The day before we went to the beach was the celebration on base. 

The official 4th of July celebration actually got cancelled this year, due to the Sequester, so Budweiser stepped in and sponsored it instead. Which our girls loved because they brought their big Clydesdale horses out. They were pretty thrilled about the horses, and especially thrilled about the dalmatian. T is has big plans for us to get a dalmatian when she turns five, so she is always excited to see one. 

Nora ran off too far, so we sent the T after her. She got her almost all the way back to us before Nora made a break for it. Luckily Marc had the camera on hand to catch this awesome progression.

We waited in the hot line for over 30 minutes so the girls could do a bounce house maze, so of course Nora refused to go in once it was her turn. Luckily when she changed her mind a few minutes later the guy let her take a turn without doing the line all over again. She loved it.

She is a huge camera ham!


pauline said...

Those pics are great ... I love their beautiful swim suits, so fun. The beach looked great too, but I guess it was busy... T was having a great time with her surf board... looks like she's attached to it by her left wrist? good idea! I love her matching purple shoes... all the better to run after N when she takes off!!! N is so cute and so fast! and lookat her big grins! Thanks for sharing with us ... love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Aislinn said...

So awesome that they were little water babies this year! They look like they were having so much fun!!! It also looks slightly less boiling at your 4th of July celebration than it was last year, LOL. I too noticed T's super cute Keens! They match so well! Love them!

fiona said...

That's what I was going to say, Aislinn! It looks so much cooler this year! And that's awesome how much fun they had at the beach! Yes, also a change from last summer... ;) T does look pretty old there with the board... sorry 'bout that... The pics are all so cute!