Here are some of her more recent quotes.
Playing dress up she announced "I am getting a new prince!", I asked what happened to the old one, and she just matter-of-factly said "Well, the prince died, and I said oh no."
I told her that Daddy had gone fishing with some of his friends and she said "What! Daddy doesn't have any friends!" and then laughed her little head off.
After Marc had cooked up some of the fish he caught, Nora came to the table and said "I am NOT eating any fish, NO WAY!". Even though she has had fish before and really likes it. I told her she needed to please try at least one bite. She did, and as she was chewing a big smile spread across her face and she said "Wow! Dis is the best thing I evvvveeerrrr ate".
Often when I tell her I love her she will say "I love you more". Once after saying it she paused then added "What it means, I love you more?"
I found her hiding in the corner with a pen one day. When I went to take it away from her she started protesting "I just drawing a birfmark for me! I just need a birfmark like Teresa's!".
Both girls were talking to the baby one evening. Nora said "Hi baby boy! Dis is No-ah! I am your big stister!" Then she turned to me and said "Is he pretty awesome?" Then back to him "I know you are in dere!"
I told Nora she was a good girl and she responded "Thanks, you're a good Mama".
Changing her diaper the other day she said to me "Mama, are you nice?". I told her that sometimes I'm nice, but I'm a little mean sometimes, too. Then I said "what do you think?", and she responded "I think you are nice. Um, you are like a nice bear". I'm really still not sure what she meant by that.
We took her to the doctor this week, she's had a bit of a recurring fever issue, pretty much once a month she will get a bad fever and complain about her eyes hurting, so this month when it happened we took her in to the doctor. It was pretty much the most horrifying and traumatizing doctor's appointment ever. The worst part was trying to get a urine sample. I'm pretty sure we won't be getting to potty train any time soon thanks to that. Anyway. She screamed and yelled and thrashed and kicked the whole time we were there. She finally calmed down about 5 minutes into the drive home. She was quiet for a few minutes and then piped up all calmly and matter-of-factly "Well, I had a fun time".
She is so over this pregnancy. After trying to get comfortable on my disappearing lap she gave a big sigh and said "when da baby boy gets here, can he go sit wif Daddy for a while?"
This is possibly the best ever picture of our children.
And finally, the very most often heard phrase coming from her mouth "I'm hungry. I'm really, really hungry!". I can not feed this girl enough food. Five minutes after breakfast or lunch or even snack time she is asking for more food. I'm hoping it is just a growth spurt and will be over soon, because, seriously, I just can't even keep up with her appetite.