Friday, April 12, 2013

Cherry Blossoms

We took the girls down to D.C. yesterday to check out the cherry blossoms. Apparently they are a pretty big deal around here. They were pretty, but, you know, they were just trees with flowers on them.  I thought they were a little overrated. The girls loved them, though. And it turns out being out walking in the hot sun for three hours means two little people that sleep all night long in their own beds! So, I guess that made it worth it.

There was a nice long walk along the Potomac River from where we parked to the majority of the blossoms, and T and Nora had a blast taking their sweet time admiring the water and picking some flowers. 

She totally posed for this picture. 

Teresa was so cute - there was a nice little breeze blowing, making lots of the petals float down from the trees and she loved running around trying to catch them as they fell. 

What's that? You wish you could have seen it? Well, it's your lucky day, we took a video. 

Marc took the girls up to see the Jefferson Memorial. 

Here's the T-Bear modeling Daddy's hat.


David said...

Those blossoms really look great! Such a nice day for a walk. We enjoyed all the pictures, the girls are gorgeous, and the video was great. I have had a desire once in awhile to see the cherry trees in bloom, but alas, have never been in the DC area at the right time. Thanks for sharing the day with us. Love, Dad and Mom

fiona said...

That last picture is sooo adorable! T peeking out of the hat! And I loved the video, too. She's so cute coming up to show the camera the petal... It looked so lovely there! I remember the cherry blossoms in DC. Beautiful! And it's nice that the girls enjoyed them so much, and that y'all got to have a nice slow afternoon. Terrific pictures, as usual!