Friday, March 22, 2013

Things they say

Teresa kept talking about an 'alo' the other day - it took me awhile to figure out that she was talking about an owl.

T had spread out a blanket to iron and when Nora walked all over it she burst out "Nora! I sopifically (specifically) told you not to do that!"

The other day we were in the car at a stop light and T said "Dad!" then started singing "Don't stop believing" and then said "the light will turn green". She's pretty awesome.

Teresa is convinced this baby is a boy. She pretty much bursts in to tears if anyone mentions it might be a girl. She says "but we already have a baby stister! We need a baby brother!".

T has been asking about getting a dog for a long time now. Awhile back I told her we would maybe get one when she is five. She took that as a gospel truth and now talks all the time about "when I am five and we get my dog". She's pretty set on it being a dalmatian named 'Ploo-a', which obviously means she will not be involved in the actual naming process whenever we do get a dog. But she is so cute, she is always talking about her plans for him. The other day she said "Mom, when I am five and we get my dog, can we get a red bandana to tie around his neck?". Poor girl. She is so eager, it always makes me want to get her a dog right away. Then I think about having to be the one to do all the work and realize that no, I'm good making her wait for awhile.

Teresa has been asking to change Nora's diaper a lot - she can finally change a pee diaper all by herself!

Nora started stuttering a week or so ago. It's kinda cute, sometimes. But weird, because she never did it before. It hasn't stopped her from being as chatty as usual, though. We're working on giving up the pacifier, and she is pretty good about handing it over in the morning and after her naps. She is so cute though, if she finds one during the day she will come over and say "can I pease use dis paci?". Sometimes I say yes, but usually I say no and she says "oooo-kay. Not til bedtime" with a big sigh.

When Nora reads herself books she will turn the page and say "meanwhile..." a lot.

Putting Nora to bed she always requests lots of kisses once she is tucked in "I need a kiss! On da mouf. Now on da nose. Now on da cheek" etc.

When Nora sings the ABC's she does them all right until 'lmnop'. She sings it as "no no no no p".

And here are some pics of the girls decorating St. Patrick's Day cookies.


1 comment:

fiona said...

Ploo-a! You HAVE to let her name the dog! Then you'll have such fun talking about "Ploo-a" years from now... Come now... aren't you glad Mom let you name Poocha (which is somewhat similar to poor Ploo-a, you have to admit), and how can we forget Flower Pot? I never have been able to concretely figure out if she was supposed to be Flower Spot, or just Flower Pot... either way, a gem of a name! ;)

Anyway, cute little sayings from those rascals! I love T's version of "specifically, " and how adorable it is that N so sweetly asks for her paci... but is so amenable to NOT getting it! Amazing... Also, DID the light turn green? ;) I love that she was singing that song, and knew to add that to it! Oh! Also so cute (they all are) is that she says "meanwhile" while reading!