Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Visitors

We have had tons of fun this summer with a whole bunch of visitors. First up was a visit from the Rollins family. T and Nora were so excited for their cousins to come stay with us. We hit the pool right after they got here. We were all pretty amused to notice that T matched the fire hydrant.

Nora loves the pool soooo much. She is way too brave, and will just walk in until the water is over her head. She thinks it's funny when she goes all the way under, and of course squawks if I try to hold on to her at all. She really made me grateful for how timid Teresa is around water. The pool just totally wore her out, she was asleep long before we made it home. 

Nora, Maeve, and Auntie Fiona

Poor little thing was so exhausted, she didn't even wake up when I changed her out of her bathing suit, she just flopped against my legs still fast asleep.

Teresa and Maeve were so cute together, all backpacked up and ready for school.

We also went to the beach while they were here. T kept calling that white towel her wedding dress.

There was much princess-ing while they were here. Poor Bran was a good sport about being the only boy. He even happily put on all the jewelry when he won Pretty Pretty Princess. 

Poor Maeve never got much cooperation from Nora :).

Nuala and Nora

We took the kids to see the old tanks here on base. They loved climbing all over them. Fortunately we didn't see the big sign warning people against doing so until we got to the last tank.

One afternoon we were all ready to head to the park when T started complaining about something in her nose. I looked up there and she had lodged the toilet paper she'd been wiping her nose with up there. She was surprisingly cooperative while I pulled it out with some tweezers. I thought I'd gotten it all, then she sneezed and dislodged another huge chunk to be fished out with the tweezers. It was pretty yucky.

Kiddos at the park. Teresa, Nuala, Bran, Maeve, and Nora.

Love these three. Maeve is about eight months younger than T and almost exactly a year older than Nora, so they had some fun times together.

Uncle Gary stopped by as well, and gave the girls all a thrill by dancing with them.

Maeve is just the cutest little thing ever. So smiley. 

Three guesses what T is doing in this picture.

Nora found a shady spot to rest during our 'hike'.

All the kids showing off their leaf bracelets from the hike.

Painting pictures for their daddies.

These two. Love them so much!

Bran with his sweet new scuba gear. They're headed to Japan, so will have lots of opportunities to use these.

T was a little puzzled...

Testing out their gear:

The twins were nice enough to let T try out their scuba gear. She looked pretty awesome.

Uncle Gary again.

Best. picture. ever.

Marc and the T bear fell asleep together on the couch one evening. It was so cute, T never ever falls asleep not in her bed. I was a little jealous.

They only stayed at our house about a week, but were here in the area for a while after that. T was so, so disappointed when they left our house, she was crying and begging to go with them. Little did she know this was only the beginning of the cousin invasion. 


Melissa said...

Yeah! The fun summer chronicles begin!! It looks like the kids had so much fun together. And I don't need 3 guesses to figure out what T is doing in that picture :) I am glad you had the opportunity to spend time with all the family and make fabulous memories!!

Keep the posts coming. I know there is more to tell!!

fiona said...

Hahaha! That IS the best picture ever! Lookin' good, Tara, lookin' good... ;) Also the Tressa/fire hydrant picture is awesome. They are such twins. We all had a blast there! The bracelet walk was a great idea. Uncle G was nice to come and be a dance partner. Bran should have been more thrilled to partner with such a lovely princess... ;) And it was so fun playing in the pool. And eating popsicles... Ahhh, memories! Thanks for the good times, T!

Anonymous said...

It was fun to look at all those great pics of so many lovely little ones ... and big ones too. Looks like it was a fun, hot, busy, happy time indeed. Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh how fun! Love that best picture ever! Hahahaha! Marc and T, snuggled together is the cutest thing ever! And oh, the snorkel gear, too hilarious! So many princesses! Good old Uncle Gary! Thanks for this fun post! Look how exhausted poor little Nora was! My goodness!