Friday, February 12, 2010

Teresa's week

Poor Teresa's had a rough week. Monday night she was sick and threw up twice. Her first experience with actual, little kid throw up, not spit up. I was so confused when I went up to check on her before going to bed myself to find half her mattress covered in throw up, and her hair caked with it. In fact, we were all wondering if maybe Colin had gotten in bed with her and was responsible for the mess (he does have a history of sneaking into bed with little T...). I had just never seen her throw up like that before! It's always been spit up in the past. Luckily, Granny was willing to more thoroughly investigate what she left in the sheet and determined it was, in fact, the remnants of what Tressa had eaten for dinner. So, I hauled her out of bed and she had to have a bath and new pajamas and sheets. Then I nursed her, put her back in bed, then went to brush my teeth. By the time I got back, she had done it again. The weird thing was, she never made any sound - no complaints or anything. She just quietly got sick and went back to sleep. After another bath and more fresh pajamas and sheets she was back in bed again. She was fine after that, so I'm thinking it was just the questionable avocado she had at dinner time, and not a stomach bug, thankfully.

Shortly after we got up Thursday morning, this is what she looked like:

They're not the best pictures, since I'm still pretty inept at using our new camera...but she had some sort of allergic reaction. The weird thing was, she hadn't eaten anything yet, other than nursing, of course. I was changing her diaper and noticed she had a red mark near her ear, with little bumps. They looked like little ant bites. Before long it had spread over most of her face, and she was getting a little puffy. Her uncles gave her a blessing, and I ran to Walgreens for some Benadryl. Luckily, by the time I got back she looked almost normal again. She was fine the rest of the day and then the same thing happened around 6:00 pm. She had some Benadryl before bed and has been fine ever since. Weird.

She's gotten really good at climbing since mastering the stairs. She loves to hang out by the dishwasher when it's open, trying to pull out anything she can reach. I noticed her headed that way one day this week, and the next time I looked over this is what I saw:

She was pretty pleased with herself (until she tried it again later in the day and fell off before I could get to her. Not so pleased then...). Today she was pulling up on the back of this little bench, and pulled it right down on top of her. I moved it to the kitchen and turned it so she couldn't pull it down again. Unfortunately, that created a different problem:

I really thought it was too high for her to crawl up on, but I was wrong. The last picture is of her falling off the bench. That's what happens when you ask a four year old to be in charge of keeping an 8 month old from falling ;). Don't worry, she's okay.

Teresa's been enjoying having two new little cousins around. Teresa's in the middle, of course, with Erin's Aoife (Ee-fa) on the left, with the white bow, and Fiona's Maeve on the right, with the pink bow.

The other day when Erin was feeding Aoife, T kept grabbing at her hair and patting at her. So cute. She always looks curiously at them when they're crying. And she was a little put out this morning when she saw Granny holding Maeve instead of her.

And finally, the most disgusting thing that happened to Teresa this week...She's gotten quite good at picking up any little thing she finds and putting them in her mouth. Last night Uncle Zac fished Aoife's umbilical cord stump out of T's mouth. He brought it over to me, saying that's what he thought it was and, sure enough, when Erin checked Aoife's tummy hers was missing. It seriously made me want to throw up. Eeww, even thinking about it now totally grosses me out. I guess we'll have to be more vigilant for when Maeve's falls off...

Needless to say, we're ready for a new week.


Rob and Erin said...

What a week!!! Poor little T, so many new adventures :0) Lol! I was cracking up reading the recap! I wonder what the mystery culprit was for her hives. Hmmm.... and sorry about the umbilical cord. I have no idea how it dropped off without us noticing! She'll probably be a detective when she grows up, she never misses a thing!

pauline said...

Hi there ... that was indeed an amnazing week, with lots of new experiences for little Treasa Breege ... she's surely good at exploring her world... Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Hahaha! She seriously had quite the week. But she survived!! Yeah, the umbilical cord disgusting... we'll save Maeve's especially for her ;) And I really like the pic of poor little T falling off the bench. She's such a rascal, still can't believe she was perching up there all by herself!

Rob and Erin said...

Poor little T! Painful and cringing to read. Well, at least the umbilical cord wasn't in the throw up, that would have been tops. I concur with my wife, no. 1 babies detective agency.