Friday, February 5, 2010

The Stairs

I came home from picking my nephew, Liam, up from school one day this week (Wednesday? Thursday? They all run together...) to see these pictures on my mom's camera:

Apparently Teresa decided to brave the stairs while I was gone. Maybe she thought I was up there? She had been hanging out at the bottom of the stairs for the past week or so, with her little hands on the bottom step, just looking up at the rest of them, so I knew it was just a matter of time before she would decide to give it a try. Luckily Fiona spotted her when she was on the second step, so she was able to supervise her the whole way up (and document the trip!). And she made it all the way up on her first try! Way to go T! Clutching some of Liam's Bakugan cards in her hands, of course, as she rarely crawls or goes anywhere without something in her little hands. Can you tell how pleased she is with herself up there at the top of the stairs? Of course I made her repeat the performance for me, and then again when Grandad got home. She hasn't attempted to go back down the stairs yet. I guess we should get the baby gate up before she tries that, too. She and Ciaran were finally in sync for once, and he climbed the stairs at his house the same day. I obviously don't have pictures of that, but here they are together at Christmas-time.

I just love how displeased they both look in this picture. So cute! I can't believe how big they're getting!


Marc said...

They look so cute! I miss my little T (and all the kiddos actually) and can't to be back again. Love and miss you!

Rob and Erin said...

Haha! Lol!!! Look at her! Up all those stairs, while holding her treasures, VERY impressive!!! She cracks me up! She's always exploring, so eager to discover and so strong! The pic of her and Ciaran is hilarious! They're so cute together :0)

Melissa said...

I love it! She looks so pleased with herself. On the developmental milestone little guy has finally learned to roll over(both ways). Yeah T and J!! It is so much fun to watch them get the hang of the world around them.

fiona said...

Ha! I love that pic of her and Ciaran! So funny! And she is fast, going up those stairs... yeah, I just looked over and, lo and behold, up she was going! Not hesitant at ALL. That girlie is somethin' else ;)

pauline said...

good job Treasa Breege :) love you, Granny xox