Sunday, August 2, 2009

Two Months

Teresa turned two months old on July 29th, and she went to the doctor to have her first shots that same day. I didn't think she would have too much of an issue with them, since every other time she has been pricked for blood or something she hasn't complained too much. This time was way different! I think it was because this was the first time we didn't get to hold her while she was getting poked. She got two shots, one in each leg. The nurse was super fast, Teresa hadn't even finished screaming about her first shot when she was done with the second one. I felt so bad for her! Marcus scooped her up as soon as the shots were over, and she fell asleep almost right away. She weighed in at 12 pounds 7.5 ounces, which was less than I thought she would be, but still in the 90th percentile. She's 24.5 inches long, 95%. She's a pretty long baby, almost too long for her little infant bathtub already.

We went with my parents and Aislinn's family to celebrate Patrick and my birthday at the beach yesterday. So fun! I haven't been to the beach in forever. Well, we spent our honeymoon on South Padre, but Marc was throwing up the whole time, so we didn't really get to go to the beach at all. We went to Rockport this weekend, which is definitely the nicest Texas beach I've been to. The water was nice and calm, and so clean for a Texas beach, which was awesome. The sun was not so nice, as I got a pretty bad sunburn...which was weird, since I almost never wear sunscreen but did yesterday...Teresa had a fun time being held by Grandad, since he is not such a fan of the beach he was lucky enough to get to hang out with the babies.

I brought the camera, but totally forgot to take any pictures at the beach. I did get this cute one of Ciaran...he was born 11 days before Teresa, and wasn't quite awake when it was time to leave:

So cute! He's awesome, he didn't stir at all even though there were lots of loud siblings around him. Teresa, on the other hand, was wide eyed and over-whelmed by all the noise.

We've been trying out some different wraps for wearing Teresa lately. Thanks to Aislinn for letting us know about baby wearing. Teresa loves it! My friend Angie visited this week, and we went to do some window shopping down in Austin. I wore Teresa the whole time, and she slept through most of it. Here she is snuggled in with Daddy:

Teresa seems to think that Marc and I only exist to hold her all day, so wearing her has been so helpful. She gets to be held, but we can still use our hands and get some stuff done.


David said...

Great pictures. Sad to hear about the shots. Marcus was smart to grab her, now she will think Mommy let them stick me! I enjoyed hanging out with Teresa, much, much better than sunburn!
Love ya all, Dad and Mom.

fiona said...

Tara, I haven't been on blogs in so long, and look at yours! It looks really, really cute!! I love it. Poor Teresa, shots are not fun, especially once you're really aware of them. The beach sounds like fun, I've never been to that one... I'm glad y'all like wearing little Teresa, Aislinn's a very good wrap missionary, isn't she? I like the color of the one Marcus is using, what a good daddy! Oh, sorry abt the sunburn, that is weird, esp since you used sunscreen...

Aislinn said...

Awww...Teresa and Marcus both look happy snuggled in the Moby! I'm really glad you're enjoying it!

That pic of Ciaran made me LOL...he sure was zonked, wasn't he?

Poor Teresa...glad the shots didn't traumatize her too much! She's such a sweet little thing!

We had fun at the beach and we're looking forward to hanging out again this weekend!