Sunday, July 26, 2009


We've been spending most of our time recently either getting ready to move, moving, or unpacking. We have WAY too much stuff. Even after getting rid of tons of stuff, we still have too much. We just moved across town, to an apartment that is way less expensive, and not on the third floor. I definitely wouldn't recommend moving out of a third floor apartment in 102 degree heat! I felt a little guilty asking people to come help us, but we were lucky to have lots of volunteers show up to carry stuff down three flights of stairs. Anyway, I just found our camera again, and we've been having lots of fun taking pictures of Teresa. Poor baby has to deal with the camera flashing in her face all the time. She was so good while we were moving - she actually napped a good part of the moving day, which is unusual for her. She's doing some moving of her own - she rolled over on Friday. I put her down for some tummy time, and after a few minutes she started to complain about it. She stopped complaining not too long after that, so I looked over to see if she had fallen asleep. I was pretty surprised to see her on her back. She seemed pretty surprised by it as well :). She's also started sleeping on her side now, which I'm thinking she's not supposed to do. Here are some recent pictures:

I had been trying to decide whether or not I wanted to start pumping. Marc had bought me a pump right after Teresa was born, and ever since it had just been sitting on top of our entertainment center while I tried to decide whether I should use it or return it. I had pretty much decided against using it when I happened to read something about what a great bonding experience it is for Dad's to be able to feed their babies, etc...which made me feel kinda selfish for not letting Marcus have that opportunity. Here he is feeding her for the first time. (Actually, the only time so far, we've been freezing the rest). Anyway, the book I was reading about introducing a breast fed baby to a bottle had said that it would probably be a hard adjustment, and that someone other than Mom should try to get the baby to take a bottle, and to not get discouraged if it took a few tries for the baby to accept a bottle over her mom. I was a little offended when Teresa had no problem adjusting right away. Apparently I'm easily replaced ;).

The next few are just some of Teresa in her cute Sunday dress.

I love her face in this one!

She's so smile-y now, we love it! We love trying to coax a smile out of her when she wants to cry, she comes up with the awesomest (yes, grammar police, I know it should be most awesome...) combination's of smiling and crying. These pics are just regular smiles:


Unknown said...

She is so absolutely adorable!!! I wouldn't be too upset about being easily replaced. Just think of the fun girls night out you can plan now. I am glad your move wasn't traumatic. Give Teresa big hugs and kisses from us!

(this is Melissa by the way)

pauline said...

Oh, such cute pictures !!! I love the first one of Mom and Baby ... so cute! The Dad & Baby ones are so great too ! beautiful smiles :) :) :) Nice of Dad feeding her! Love the dress...Love, Mom (Dad too)xox

J'Nette said...

how cute!!! i was the same about pumping but now it is part of our nightime routine. My husband loves it, infact is doing it right now so that i can get some work done. He feeds Dex once a day right before he goes to bed. Then i pump and save it for the next nights feed. It has been wonderful, also it allows me the freedom to leave because there is milk in the fridge if it is during a feed. Also allows me to get something done while daddy gets his time with Dex.

Melanie said...

So happy for y'all to save $$$ and start taking pics again. What a cute family you are. Love you!

Rob and Erin said...

I love her dress! She is so cute! I love the picture of Teresa and Mom, she has such an angelic look on her face!! and awesome face in Marc's too, hee hee. Way to go rolling over! That's a serious accomplishment, Teresa, the awesomest ;0)

Marc said...

She really is the best baby ever (thanks to vigilant training from her Mom)! It's been fun to watch her smile and talk more and more. Spoiler alert: Video of her cooing on the way!

Carolyn said...

What an angel she is. I think everyone is right. You will really love having Marcus bond with her and getting a little freedon too. It shows what a great mom you are that you are all so concerned about everything.

fiona said...

Tara, those pics are adorable! Of all of you! Amen to pumping, it's nice to have some extra milk around. That's funny that you were so easily replaced! haha! Come to think of it, mine didn't have much problem with replacing me either...though a bottle from me wouldn't cut it, then it had to be the boob! SUCH cute pics. I'm glad your move is over, ugh.