Friday, August 14, 2015

Things he says and some pictures

It's hard to believe that our little Finn is going to be two in less than a month! He is talking more and more, enough now to get his very own post about things he says!

He got about two drops of water on his shoes a few weeks ago and was very distressed about it. He kept saying "oh no! shoes....wet". He wouldn't put them on because he thought they were wet, so I told him Daddy would take them and dry them off. Marc took them out of the room and brought them back and showed him that they were dry and now Finn can't stop talking about it. Every day he tells me "my shoes....wet....Daddy die (dry) shoes....Daddy my shoes die". Apparently it was quite the impressionable experience for him.

He loves to jump off things and always says "two, fwee (three), jump!" before he does.

He will lie upside down on the couch and say "Mommy! Hep me! (help me), Owa, hep me! Eesa, hep me!" until one of us helps him down. Owa = Nora, Eesa = Teresa

Finn is super loving Marc right now. He will go stand by the window multiple times a day and say "My dad? My dad ome (home)? Soon? My dad ome soon?"

He still calls the cats  "woof woofs" but when he pretends to be a kitty cat he crawls around saying "meow, meow".

Usually he still calls trucks "volvos" but has started using the word truck, too. He has to have his volvo book read to him every night before bed.

Marc took the kids out to run errands last weekend and let them each pick a poster for their rooms. Finn got a Paw Patrol poster and was so excited when we hung it up on his wall. He kept saying "Paw troll! Nice!" and will come to me and say "Mommy...paw troll...see....nice!" when he wants me to go look at it with him.

He has started doing the cutest thing when we are sitting on the couch. He will run over and fling his arms around my neck and say "I luffff you" and then give me a kiss. Pretty much melts my heart.

He calls horses "doosies" and has to point out that he has "shocks" (sharks) on his shoes to anyone that will pay attention to him.

Now some pictures!!

T snapped this picture of him on a hike. I'm so glad his hair has grown back since then!

Enjoying some sand. He wasn't too sure about it at first.

Loving on the kittens. One of them died about three days after they were born, it was very sad. It didn't seem like it was smaller than the rest of them or anything, so we don't really know what happened. Poor T was the most upset, she kept crying about it off and on during the day. They named it Banana posthumously. 

Nora is holding Fluffy.

T is holding Tiger. The other two remain unnamed for now. 

Tired boy conked out as soon as we got home from church. 

Love him so much! We got to spend lots of one on one time while the girls were at art camp every morning for a week. 

Our kids have had a ridiculously difficult time learning how to ride bikes! It was a bit concerning, honestly. Our street is on a hill, though, so we figured maybe taking them to a flatter spot would help and it did. It was fun to see Teresa being so proud of herself when she could finally pedal it well. 

Poor Finn gets to do much less painting and crafty stuff than the girls did at his age. He had a blast and was actually not as messy as I thought he would be. 

Has to be just like Daddy. Using a toy guitar to steam mop at the same time as Marc.

I have a whole phone full of selfies of T and the poor cat. 

This boy must be naked as often as possible. As soon as we get home from anywhere he starts tugging on his clothes and says "Dis off! Dis off!"

Love these three so much. 


Melissa said...

Love the new post!! I'm so happy to get to know Finn and his personality a little more. He is saying WAY more than G.That's okay, G is on his own schedule. :)

pauline said...

That's a great post too ... hahaha ... "my shoes wet" good thing he has a wonderful Dad who can dry them by going in and out of a room! I can just see him by the window waiting for "my Dad ome soon" ... poor little fellow! He is growing so big so fast; I can't believe how much he talks now ... I guess everything he wants to eat isn't a "l-apple" any more... Ooooh, and nice pics of little kittens too ... and I'm so glad they are all enjoying their bikes now! I love their helmets ... hmmm, T's is definitely different ... different indeed! I had a good chuckle at this post stuff ... thanks! xox