Sunday, November 2, 2014


Halloween was so much fun this year. Teresa and Nora decided to coordinate their costumes. Nora wanted to be a blue Sleeping Beauty so T went with Maleficent. She started to waver at one point, but then we let her see the Maleficent movie and that fully won her over.

Well, turns out blue Sleeping Beauty dresses are pretty hard to come by, so we ended up having to make Nora's dress. I found some cute blue t-shirts on sale at Target and my mom and I were able to transform them into a costume. It was a big pain in the neck doing it, and definitely stretched my sewing skills to the limit! Thank heavens my mom was around to help me with so much of the work! We ended up having to hand sew the skirt part to the bodice. And when I say we, I totally mean Granny. And then Teresa's cape. Good heavens. We had all our supplies ready to go and then realized that part of the cord for my sewing machine was missing. So. More hand stitching for us. Again, most of the hard work was done by Granny, and T was absolutely thrilled with the outcome. Don't even get me started on T's raven. There was quite the kerfuffle with that as well. You would think living somewhere with people obsessed with the Baltimore Ravens would mean you would actually be able to find one somewhere in the state! We did find one in Texas but, of course, forgot to bring it with us when we left. Luckily Aunt Melissa saved the day and got it here in time for Halloween. Seriously, these costumes were a group effort.

Anyway. The girls costumes took up way more of my brain space than I had wanted, so my big plans to make Finn's shark costume went right out the window. Luckily we just happened upon a cute shark sweater and a little shark felt hat so decided that those would have to do this year. He was so cute wearing them and surprised me by how long he was willing to keep that hat on.

Marc did a little photo shoot with the kids before trick or treating - it sure is handy having my very own fantastic photographer around to take pictures of these cute kiddos!

She was so cute with her little raven - kept calling it "Clever Bird".

Nora insisted that she needed pink cheeks.


Few things make me happier than seeing these two giggling together!

Aaaaaannnd about 500 pictures of the Finnegan. 

(This one is a little blurry, but I just loved his pose too much) 

Re-enacting a scene from Sleeping Beauty, when Aurora pricks her finger on the spinning wheel.

Ha! I love Finn investigating the pumpkin in this one.

The girls had a blast trick-or-treating, of course. Finn was too cute wandering around in his little hat and boots. He got tired of it pretty quickly, though. T kept saying it was the best Halloween ever, and I am inclined to agree with her! 

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